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Q: Is there overtime hours for physical therapists?
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Related questions

Who makes more physical therapists or RNs?

physical therapists

How much training do physical therapists require before certification?

Physical therapists require at least 4 years of undergraduate training. During this education they are required to log in a number of hours as a thearipist as well.

How many hours per week to physical therapists work?

average around 36-40 hours of working per week.

What formula to compute overtime?

Overtime = Hours Worked - Contracted Hours.

What is the plural of physical therapist?

Physical therapists

Does the YMCA hire physical therapists?

There are no current physical therapists openings. However, there is an opening for a group exercise instructor, which could be appealing to an individual with a physical therapy degree. On top of that, there are a lot of places that have openings for physical therapists, and they are not hard to come by.

Where can I find listings for physical therapists in CA?

Listings for physical therapists in CA can be found online while googling physical therapists in California. There are several listings for physical therapist in California. I would suggest searching using your zip code.

Who is the patron saint of physical therapists?

There is no patron saint of physical therapists. However St. Albertus Magnus is the patron saint of medical technicians.

Can you use overtime hours to make 40 hours in a week?

"Overtime" is usually defined as hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a week.

How do physical therapists get paid?

30000/in Pakistan

Where do physical therapists live?

in kevin's house

Is physical strength important for the work of physical therapists and why?

Physical strength is needed by physical therapists to a certain degree since they need to help the patient to position himself properly for the exercises that need to be done.