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My view is extremely biased, but from personal experience, they are not too bad. But if you want a first aid course that gives you the basics you need to help someone on the street, their courses do not cater, as far as I know.

The British Red Cross have, this year, introduced a new course called Everyday First Aid - these one-hour courses give you all the practical skills you need to save a life, without all the in-depth details that you really don't need to know about to help someone who is bleeding. You don't need to know the different types of bandages you can use to help their bleed, all you need to know is to put pressure on the wound and lift it up above their head.

So if you want the in-depth stuff, their courses are good, but ours are just as good! :)

If you want practical skills - find a red cross centre near you, ask them about everyday first aid (or look on the website) and get yourself on a course to learn how to save a life!

British Red Cross Volunteer - Peer Educator & First Aider - been too long to think! :) Good Luck!

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Q: Is the St John Ambulance a good supplier of first aid training courses?
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Check out and for online first aid certfication courses. These and similar websites also oftentimes have directories with local training and certification courses.

What qualifications do I have to have to get into a first responder certification training course?

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