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A saline solution is a homogeneous mixture because its appearance and composition are uniform throughout the solution. A substance is salt. A saline solution is a combination of the two substances water and salt. However, in the salt-water solution, the salt is completely dissolved in the water.

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10y ago

Saline solution is not a pure substance, but it is a homogenous mixture. The components of a saline solution are salt and water that are thoroughly blended. An example of a pure substance is just table salt.

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Pure saline water is only a solution of sodium chloride in water.

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Saline is a homogenous solution of salt in water.

Does saline freeze?

Yes, saline can freeze. Saline is a solution of salt dissolved in water, and the freezing point of saline is lower than that of pure water. Therefore, saline can freeze at temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius.

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The freezing temperature of 0.9% saline solution is approximately -0.52°C (30.9°F). This solution, commonly known as normal saline, freezes at a slightly lower temperature than pure water due to the presence of dissolved solutes.

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No, saline solution is not a basic solution. It is a neutral solution composed of a mixture of sodium chloride (salt) and water.

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Cucumber shrink in saline solution, because the saline solution draws out the water from the cucumber causing it to shrink. -Jaralzila

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Not sure what you are using saline solution for but i would say that saline solution is steril and water is not.

Is normal saline is hypertonic solution?

Yes this saline is a hypertonic solution but 3% saline is also not normal. There is nothing "normal" about it. There is only one "normal saline" and that is 0.9%.

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The mineral found in saline solution is salt (sodium chloride).

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Normal Saline is an isotonic solution.