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Yes. It is a rapidly growing field that gets more popular every year as people become more aware of the healthful benefits of massage. I would also strongly encourage you to pay special attention to your body mechanics as you study so that you have a long and healthy career. Good luck!
If the one is a massage therapist, and the other a customer, it is expected that he would.
There are many schools in South Carolina that offer Massage Therapist Career training. The best is Miller-Motte Technical College.
Pretty much the only career path you can go with a massage degree is to be a masseuse. You could either start your own business or work under a company.
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Getting into massage therapy is as easy as enrolling in a school near you, in a private school, career education program, or community college program. Most states have a massage therapy regulation board so all schools in those states have to have their programs approved. What may help you decide is to actually visit the school you intend to attend to get a feel for their atmosphere. Since you will most likely spend at least 500 hours either giving, getting, or talking about massage, it would be a good idea to make sure that the school has a "positive vib." Also, a lot of schools have a career services department that will help you get a job in massage therapy once you graduate so you can start your career in massage therapy after graduation.
You can give a good massage with pleasure by making sure to give a massage in all the spots where the person is having problems at.
it depens on what the man is like if he wants to do it than let him do it
Yes. The average massage therapist makes about $30,000 a year and usually only work part-time.
High school scholars should continue expanding education for future security. A career in Massage Therapy is one of the highest paying jobs in America. Becoming a Massage Therapist can be achieved by completing online credits or college courses. The average Massage Therapist generates over $40,000 yearly, plus more. Indeed, a career worth looking into.