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I can talk about a Doctor in Medicine, but I think it applies to any Doctorate: you must have a passion for it, do not go for the money. Develop discipline and good study habits and be willing to spend good eight years (Premed and then Med School), then whatever more it takes for a subspecialty if you want to pursue it. The cost in money depends on the institution you go to. You study habits must be lifelong, since you are required to keep updated and proficient in your area. You should also have good communication skills, and your personal appearance should inspire trust and respect. If you think of going to Medicine, you should really want to serve people, love them, be patient and compassionate without being condescending, and never let the initials M.D. inflate your ego. Medicine should humble you enough to acknowledge your own vulnerability and mortality. You could be your must unfortunate patient.

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Heather Tremblay

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1y ago
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Q: Is it hard to become a doctor?
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