

Best Answer

" Obsterics is the branch of medicine that provides care to the mother and fetus during pregnancy, labor,delivery, and postpartum peroid know as puerperium." (Delmar's Clinical Medical Assisting pg.317"

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Q: Is gynecology the branch of medicine that treats mother and fetus through all stages of labor delivery and postpartum?
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What is alternative treatment for postpartum depression?

Through counseling and support groups, so that the mother doesn't feel she is alone in her feelings. The use of homeopathy, acupuncture, Chinese medicine.

What is the gynecologist?

A gynecologist is a doctor who studies the female reproductive system of humans. Often, gynecologists are also obstetricians who study female pregnancy of humans from conception through delivery.

What it the calorie count for postpartum women?

Someone who's going through postpartum depression shouldn't deal with dieting. Women should eat 2000 calories a day, postpartum or not. No difference there.

What is Obstetrics and Gynecology?

Obstetrics and gynecology is the medical specialty that deals with obstetrics and gynecology. The postgraduate training program for both aspects is unified. This combined training prepares the practicing OB/GYN to be adept at the care of female reproductive organ health and at the management of obstetric complications, even through surgery.

How can one survive postpartum depression?

Someone can survive postpartum depression by talking to other and letting them know how one feels. It is also advised to consult with a family doctor and make sure that he or she is aware of what is going on with one's health. A doctor may refer someone to join a group for other mothers that have postpartum depression to help one through the bad days.

Is it normal for a woman who gave birth a month ago to feel sleepy tired and cold?

If you are still bleeding (up to 6 weeks postpartum), or if you had a lot of blood loss during delivery, you might be a anemic. You should mention this to your doctor at your first postpartum checkup.New babies are also draining. You probably aren't getting much sleep yet and won't until your baby is sleeping through the night. If you can, get your mom, sister, an aunt or friend to give you a few hours off so you can sleep.

What suffix means to shine through in medicine?

The suffix -lucent means to shine through in medicine.

Treating Postpartum Insomnia?

After childbirth, a woman's body goes through many physical and hormonal changes. These changes come with many unpleasant side effects, including postpartum insomnia. Symptoms of postpartum insomnia include an inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, night sweats, racing thoughts, rapid heartbeat and strange dreams or nightmares. Postpartum insomnia can last for several months after childbirth, and affects as many as fifteen percent of all new mothers.Causes and Effects of Postpartum InsomniaMany factors can contribute to the onset of postpartum insomnia. The most likely cause is the hormonal changes women experience after childbirth. During pregnancy, estrogen and other hormone levels increase tremendously, then bottom out after delivery. These hormonal fluctuations often cause symptoms that can interfere with sleep, including anxiety, depression and hot flashes.Postpartum insomnia can have many effects on a woman's physical, emotional and psychological well being. In addition to the normal stress associated with motherhood, women with postpartum insomnia experience even more anxiety, exhaustion and irritability. These symptoms can affect every aspect of life, and can interfere with the ability to care for a newborn.Treatment for Postpartum InsomniaMany women assume that insomnia after childbirth is a normal part of motherhood, and are therefore reluctant to seek treatment; however, postpartum insomnia is a real medical condition, and should be treated as such. And although postpartum insomnia usually goes away in time, seeking treatment as soon as symptoms present themselves is recommended. If left untreated, postpartum insomnia can lead to more serious conditions, including depression, panic and anxiety disorder, and health complications such as high blood pressure.Many women opt for herbal and home remedies, while others seek medical advice from a doctor or other trained professional. Herbal remedies include chamomile tea, lavender oil and valerian root. Medical treatment for postpartum insomnia can involve the use of several treatment methods, including prescription sleep aids and hormone therapy.Tips for Dealing with Postpartum InsomniaIn addition to herbal and medical treatments, there are several methods that can help in dealing with postpartum insomnia. These include warm baths at bedtime, avoiding stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine, avoiding alcohol, a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Who found medicine?

The ancient people found medicine through herbs.

What is the difference between obstetrics and gynecology?

We have come across the term OB-GYN during the stage of parenthood, OB-GYN generally refers to a doctor who practices Obstetrics and Gynecology. Some doctors prefer to specialize in a single field. Many people perceive Obstetricians and Gynecologists are the same. But they are of different specialization in the medical field What is Obstetrics? Obstetrics mainly deals with the care of pregnant women, the unborn child, labor, and delivery. They take care of the entire process of pregnancy until the child is born. The obstetrician makes sure that the mother and baby get the finest prenatal care to ensure labor and delivery is accomplished without any complications and done safely. What is Gynecology? Gynecology deals with any illness concerning the reproductive health of a woman. Most Gynecologists are Obstetrician as they treat problems related from menstruation cycle to post-menopause problems. These two specialties are closely related and most Gynecologists take care of pregnancy nowadays. Let’s learn about the difference between the Obstetrics & Gynecology An obstetrician specializes in obstetrics, which manages all aspects of pregnancy, right from prenatal care to postnatal care, and ensures both mother and baby are safely guided through all of the phases of pregnancy and childbirth. An obstetrician will ensure you have a healthy pregnancy and that you deliver a healthy baby. They are trained to handle pregnancy complications and help you deal with issues such as postpartum depression. On the whole, Obstetrics specifically deals with the welfare of the pregnant woman and her baby. The medical specialty of obstetrics has made pregnancy and childbirth a life-changing event to be clasp with confidence knowing that modern medicines and technology has made the process safe and predictable A gynecologist specializes in taking care of the Women’s reproductive health right from her first menstruation cycle to post-menopause. Any conditions that affect her reproductive systems, like the cervix, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, or vagina, are diagnosed and treated by a gynecologist. Gynecologists also provide advice on sexual matters, such as practices, contraceptives, and protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Most of the gynecologists are also obstetricians, the field of gynecology focuses on the aspects of a woman’s reproductive health from the onset of puberty through menopause and beyond. Obstetrics and Gynecology treatment at Starcare A Woman's health is her Capital. We support and care for women at each stage of her from puberty to menopause and after. Our prominence is laid on Preconception Care, High-Risk Pregnancy, General Gynecology, Gynaec Laparoscopy, and Infertility Treatment. We at Starcare have a dedicated and enthusiastic team of doctors with extensive experience to provide excellent care. At Starcare Cuddles, offers single-room maternity care - where labor, birth, recovery and postpartum care take place in one comfortable, spacious, private suite. The ultra-modern LDR (Labor Delivery Recovery) suites offer a home-like ambiance to have a safe and fear-free birthing experience, enveloped by one of the most advanced medical care in the region.

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What is c-section delivery?

A C-section is the surgical delivery of a baby (or babies) through an incision in the mother's abdomen.