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It can be an indicator of a caustic or corrosive chemical (acid, bleach. etc), or other kind of irritant having been swallowed, especially if there are burns inside the mouth as well.

In any event, burns to the face or mouth should be treated as an emergency and the person should get medical attention immediately. !! Do NOT induce vomiting as the chemical that was or may have been swallowed will burn again on the way back up!!

Note also that in cases where the patient manifests chemical burns, the rescuer must consider this to be a dangerous environment, until determined otherwise -- think HAZMAT.

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Q: Is burns around lips or mouth an aid in determining whether or not a victim has swallowed poison?
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Most Likely.If ANYTHING call 911.

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If it was an adult who swallowed the poison they would know. However, if it was a child, they wouldn't remember and you would be able to tell by the way they are acting . If you think they swallowed poison, I would go ahead and call poison control.

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