Well first we must define the word "scam". According to The American Heritage® Dictionary the word Scam means- A fraudulent business scheme; a swindle. tr.v. scammed, scam·ming , scams, To defraud; swindle.
So, by that definition ELEVIV is absolutely NOT a scam. Nor is it a "pyramid' or "ponzi" scheme, because by definition it is usually only money changing hands and no real product or service is evident Or changes hands. Some product enthusiasts make medically unsubstantiated claims for the product that are only supported by the "testimonials" of those selling it. That being said, anyone is free to try the product and see for themselves and if the product doesn't work for you, you have only lost about $60 (USD), Xango does offer a satisfaction guarantee, so you may not be out any money. Eleviv is sold by XANGO, LLC, it's parent company, a multi-level marketing company located in Lehi, Utah. Many nutraceutical companies are located in and around this area. Multi-level or Direct Marketing are basically a different marketing technique in that instead of the consumer hunting down a product or service, the product or service comes to the customer. This type of Marketing is becoming more popular. If you EVER have doubts or concerns about this or any MLM or Direct marketing company you can research it thoroughly at MLM Watchdog located at http://www.mlmwatchdog.com/INDEX.htm, They are an excellent and UNBIASED tool.
I've been using Eleviv and so is my family. We feel great, feeling thirsty all the time is the only side effect we feel. If you consider it as a side effect! For more information on eleviv or other Xango products you could email me at gurmita@gmail.com
Two years 11/2 months and 3 days and 41/2 hours approximately.It has to do with how many thousands of gallons are in the tank , how many are being drawn out and what the BTU input is of the fuel being used100 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 1 hour (2kw element)150 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 1.5 hours (3kw element)200 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 2 hours (4kw element)250 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 2.5 hours (4kw element)provided all are using 220 volts of domestic electricity
no it is not a scam
it is not a scam. i played it since august 31, 2008 and it is not a scam
Definitely not a scam.
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It is a scam... DOnt do it.!
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