The average 5'10 boy weighs anywhere from 150lbs - 180lbs.
The optimal weight for an average 14 yr old boy (optimal height 5'5") is 110 lbs.
175 lbs
You will have to calculate your BMI as it largely depends on height.
MAXIMUM: around 125-137
According to Halls-MD, the ideal weight for a 10 year old male, 5"1", is 102 lbs.
An 8-year-old boy or girl is not meant be a specific weight or an "ideal" weight. Weight is related to height and body composition rather than age.For more information about weight in relation to height, see the page links further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
It would have helped knowing the boys height. That being said, the ideal weight would be approximately 55 lbs.
According to the website "Lifestyle" at 16-17 years of age the average height for a boy is 67 to 70 inches. You are at the lower end of their average height range but you are also 16 not 17. The same website lists 130-150lbs as the average weight for your height range so I would image that as your height is at the lower end of their average heights then your ideal weight would be close to the lower end of their range, therefore around 130 pounds (9 Stone 4 Pounds).
There is no ideal weight for a 14-year-old boy or girl. This is because weight is related to height and body composition rather than age. For more information, and to view height/weight charts (for children and teenagers), see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.