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First aid is the First aid. Is is the initial treatment of injuries. Sometimes it's role is basic life support while waiting for advanced life support (Ambulance).

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first aid means if we fell down we want first aid to cure it.

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Is it important to fill out a casualty report during first aid?

No. At least not DURING first aid but AFTER.

Why is safety important in first aid?

So that you, yourself, do not end up needing first aid.

What is the importance of first aid?

First aid is important because it is the essential primary care given to an injured person hence the name, "first aid". If a person were simply thrown in the back of the ambulance on route to a hospital then it would be possible that he or she could bleed out where as if proper first aid were given they might have lived. First aid is important because it is an immediate care...

How do you use the word first aid in a sentence?

first aid is very important. It can save your life.

Why is first aid important in sports?

Because if there is an injury on the court, Field, etc first aid will help them

Who is the most important person in a first aid situation and why?

Paramedic is the most important person in a first aid because he knows that how to deals with the patient in serious condition.

Why is important to intsall first aid kits in vehicles?

So that you have basic first aid kit things incase of an emergency.

What is the concept of mergency for first aid?

The most important concept of emergency for first aid is to Stop bleeding and to restore adequate breathing.

Why is it important to have a first aid kit?

First Aid is important for your wounds because it helps prevent scarring and infection.

Why is important to monitor the causality after given first aid?

To check breathing

Why first aid rules are important in food service?

So you will not get sick

What is the importance of first aid to life?

First aid is only important to life in the case of an emergency that requires immediate intervention, such as severe injury, anaphylactic shock, or cardiac arrest. In the absence of such issues, there is no need for first aid. However, it is always good to be prepared and no how to administer first aid.