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If you are 7 weeks from your last period, you are seven weeks pregnant, 3 weeks pregnant is before you miss a period and you would not have a scan then. If you are seven weeks and there is no sign of a fetal pole it appears that the embryo may not have developed and you will miscarry soon, I am sorry.

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Q: Im sure im 5 weeks pregnant not 7 and i had 2 ultrasound they both show sac but no baby is it too early to see the first 1 was at 3 weeks and then at 5 but according to the doctor im 7 weeks?
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You went to the doctor and they told you that the baby didn't show but the hcg was there are you pregnant or What is going on?

Yes you are most likely pregnant but too early to show on an ultrasound. Your Dr should have made a follow up apointment with you in about 4 weeks.

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Most pregnant women get an ultrasound at the second trimester of pregnancy where the young fetus is most visible but it is possible to get an early ultrasound in case there may be any complications in early pregnancy.

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I had that. I also have a progesterone deficiency, but I started progesterone supplements and am now 13 weeks pregnant and they didn't see any evidence of bleeding on my last ultrasound last week. The doctor who told me about the bleed at six weeks, when I said "What does that mean?" said "sometimes we see that in early pregnancy. We like to not see it, but sometimes we do." How's that for a non-answer?!?

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its not bad dnt worry but its just to early

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A woman can have an ultrasound to determine the baby's sex as early as 15 weeks. However, an ultrasound is not 100% accurate - the only way to be 100% accurate is to have an amniocentesis, which is a risky procedure that a doctor won't perform just to determine the baby's sex.

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It depends what stage you are at. If very early the embryo may not develop but if there is a fetal heart then you are definitly pregnant.

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Ultrasound is a high frequency sound that can penetrate through certain mediums.E.g. One can check if they are pregnant using ultrasound.I did it and felt nothing! so no worries!

Can an ultrasound do any harm to a pregnant female dog?

An ultrasound is a common procedure that is often performed in pregnant dogs. It can detect as help determine pregnancy as early as 18 days after ovulation and around day 23 it is possible to hear the puppy's heart beats. The ultrasound is harmless and many prefer it to x-rays.

How early can you tell if your having triplets?

Your first ultrasound scan should tell you. If you have an early scan for dating two sacs can be seen, then of course later on two fetuses can be seen. 17 years ago when I had mine (and nowadays if you are not having any tests) the practice was for the first scan to be at 18-20 weeks. I had seen my family doctor when I was 14 weeks pregnant and I was already feeling movements and was bigger than I should be. As a midwife I knew what that meant. Doctor dismissed my thoughts, so I took great delight going for my next visit after the scan with 'I told you so'.

Can a ultrasound miss a pregnancy if not looking for a baby?

The baby will not be seen in the early weeks until it is big enough to be detected. Often the baby is younger than dates suggest especially if you have a longer than usual cycle and so will not show up until later than anticipated.

If you are three weeks pregnant with twins but the doctor saw only one heartbeat on the ultrasound and your hcg was 3045 will the other baby develop a heartbeat eventually?

Three weeks pregnant is a week before you miss a period so it is impossible to know it is twins. If you are three weeks after conception, (5 weeks pregnant)it is still early to see a heartbeat.

You took a pregnancy test it was positive you had light bleeding for 3 or 4 day now you'r have pregnancy symptoms can i still be pregnant even though i had a ultrasound and they didn't find anything?

The thing i don't understand is that you wouldn't get an ultrasound done unless they knew for sure u were pregnant? And when you have a miscarriage ur symptoms go away, and bleeding is normal in pregnancies, however something you should discuss with your doctor. But your pregnant just to early to see on an ultrasound, u cant really see anything until around 7-8 weeks