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THE WISDOM TOOTH that is really hurting is impacted ( infected and pushing on your gums.) Look in the phonebook in the colored pages and look for Medical listings under Town or State aid that may give you medical care based on your income level. If you make too much money to qualify, you'll have to save some money, because those wisdom teeth need to come out! Call some dentists and ask if you can pay over time. Many dentists will work with you, especially in an emergency. They may want a certain amount of $$ down, then let you pay it off over time. Work fast, because the tooth ( teeth ) will only get worse! GOOD LUCK! If all of the above fail, look for a TEACHING HOSPITAL/CLINIC for dentistry. In Connecticut, we have The Uconn School of Dentistry; they do excellent work for a greatly reduced fee.

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14y ago

Tooth pain will usually not go away if it is caused by extensive decay. In that case, the only answer is to go to the dentist. It may not be as expensive as you think, to get the tooth pulled. Usually the dentist will charge around $80 for an extraction (depending on region where you are) and something similar for the exam. Beats having a toothache. See your dentist if the pain persists

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12y ago

whether you have insurance or not, you still go to the dentist and they will help you.

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Q: If your wisdom teeth have come in but one of them is hurting really bad where can you get treatment if you don't have any dental insurance?
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Not really. Since the Guard is part time, it is up to your full time employer or yourself to maintain health and dental insurance.

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There is a really great dental insurance called Smile Saver. A lot of dentists accept the plan and you can save a lot.

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Family dental insurance is definitely not easy to find afforadably. If you really want good coverage for the whole family, try and find a program offered through your job.

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This really depends on the plan that you have with your employer. Most of the time sedation is not covered through your dental insurance but you can possibly get some coverage through your medical insurance. You will need to provide a narrative explaining why it is necessary for the patient to have sedation. Most dental insurances do not recognize sedation as being a necessity for the patient that is why you can either get reimbursed from your medical insurance company on the monies that you pay to the dental office. Some dental offices will submit to your medical for you. This is rare but some do that for the patient which is very convenient.

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It really depends on what the insurance covers, the overall cost, and your family dental history. Families with a long history of dental problems due to genetics are often well served by having dental insurance that covers preventative care and a good portiion of treatments as long as it is within your budget.

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Agile Health Insurance makes it simple to choose, compare & apply online for affordable Health Insurance from leading Health Insurance Companies with ObamaCare options, Short-Term Health & Dental Insurance too!

What is dental insurance?

Dental insurance, like most insurance is a plan where you pay a monthly premium and when you need dental care the insurance makes payment so you don't have to pay such a large amount to the dentist.This is a good thing to have but dental insurance does have flaws.1. Limits on the annual benefit: Dental insurance puts a limit on the annual benefit (Usually around $1,000). After that you have to pay 100% out of your own pocket.This is a problem because dental care can easily run over $1,000 so just as you really need insurance it stops working.2. Only covers treatments considered "Medically Necessary":This means that anything cosmetic isn't covered.3. Waiting period: There is a waiting period so you can't wait until you need a dentist to get coverage and see the dentist.

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That really depends on your anticipated dental needs. If you are not prone to cavities, then you might be able to get by with basic coverage. But if you think you might need fillings, root canals, crowns, or braces in the future, then better coverage can make these procedures considerably cheaper.