Yes, the dentist can tell. Smoking yellows the teeth, you have bad breath, and smell of smoke. Smokers don't realize how much they smell, but a nonsmoker can smell the smoke on clothing and other items. I would get homework in from my students who lived around smokers and the papers would smell. Quit now before you damage your body further and loose dates because you smell.
The reason why people smoke underage is an easy answer DEPRESSION!
no. But regular smoking will stain your teeth and deteriorate your lungs.
a child should always tell a adult if smoking. it is the right thing to do I'm 13 and used to be smoking and when i finally told my mum she got me help and now I'm smoke free
A dentist may see smoke damage from your teeth and gum, but the THC itself, not likely
yes,if you first tell the dentist
Yes, your teeth MAY turn yellow with the smoking, just keep your mouth really clean, and you could cover the smell of smoke but why would you smoke once a week? your not addicted if you can do that.
when your old enough to pick up a cigarette, light it, and inhale it. Where I'm from its only illegal to buy smokes underage; not smoke them
Smoking is bad regardless of when you start smoking. And the longer you smoke the worse it is for you health.
Approximately 20% (1 in 5) Australian teenagers between the ages of 14 and 19 smoke underage.
smoke crack and have sexual intercourse with underage girls. it's true!
because they think they are cool and think they will get payed for it but do they know that it will 3.5%kill them thanks....