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What will will have to do is find a college or university that offers this program of study, and inquire about the prerequisite coursework required for entrance. You may then be required to complete this coursework at the undergraduate level first half before applying. For example, you may not have had human anatomy and physiology I and II. These would be two courses to consider. Other prerequisites may include chemistry, social science, mathematics, and physics. Still, if you have a passion for the field you will do it. Be advised that while the minimum degree level at present is a master's degree, a doctorate may be required for entry level in the near future.

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Q: If you have a Bachelor in Fine Arts degree in Dance what steps would you take to obtain a Graduate degree in Physical Therapy?
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What are the certiftions of pt?

There are many certifications related to physical therapy. These include a physical therapy aide certificate, certificates in specialized physical therapy, and a graduate degree in physical therapy.

Is physical therapy considered BS or BA?

It is a Bachelor of Science degree.

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The minimum degree at this time for a Physical Therapist is a masters, however it will soon require a doctorate degree.

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The bachelor's degree in physical therapy is no longer offered for entry as a physical therapist. The minimum degree requirement at present is a master's degree in physical therapy, and this may change in the near future to a doctorate for entry to the field.

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No, you will only have a Bachelor's degree.

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All universities are different. Scout out where you would like to go and then request that degree audit of physical therapy.

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graduate"s degree

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What college in Washington offers a bachelor's degree in physical therapy?

University of Washington: Rehabilitation Medicine

What are the initials that indicate someone has a bachelor of physical therapy degree?

It is typically a BS degree. However, if this is being used after a name, it would not be the appropriate thing to do. The abbreviations after a name are typically for the master's and doctorate degrees. In addition, the physical therapy degree (for physical therapists), is no longer a bachelor's degree. The minimum educational requirement today is a master's degree, and may shortly become a doctorate.

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You can't do much with just a bachelor's in health science but it's a good stepping stone for physical therapy, physician assistant, and other graduate level programs in the health care field.