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Three weeks pregnant is a week before you miss a period so it is impossible to know it is twins. If you are three weeks after conception, (5 weeks pregnant)it is still early to see a heartbeat.

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Q: If you are three weeks pregnant with twins but the doctor saw only one heartbeat on the ultrasound and your hcg was 3045 will the other baby develop a heartbeat eventually?
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Is it necessarily true if an ultrasound tech told you you are pregnant?

It depends what stage you are at. If very early the embryo may not develop but if there is a fetal heart then you are definitly pregnant.

When should you be able to hear the baby's heart beat?

hopefully when all the organs about 3-5 months..get an ultrasound and see for yourself.

What causes the babies heart to beat?

This is one of the mysteries of the human body. No one knows why the celles that develop into the heart in a fetus begin to vibrate and eventually develop into the regualr heart beat, just as no one knows why other cells when put in close proximity to these cells will begin to display the same activity. It just happens is the best we can say at this time.

What does it mean if there is no fetus in the ultrasound except for a sac at six weeks and the doctor is concerned it has stopped developing?

At 6 weeks, the baby's heartbeat can register on an ultrasound. If the Yolk sack is void of a live foetus, there will be no heartbeat. You will either sponstaniously abort this pregnancy (miscarry) or your doctor will recommend a D+C. The information above is not entirely correct. If you are off by a few days on impantation the fetal pole may not have developed yet. This is why many doctors do not like to do early ultrasounds. Fetal Poles usually develop between 5.5 weeks and 6.5 weeks. Don't give up hope yet! I just had a transvaginal ultrasound at 6 weeks gestation. The yolk sac was visible and pregnancy was confirmed but no heartbeat was detected. In a week, another ultrasound will be done to look for the fetal pole. The obstetrician noted that everything appeared normal except for not seeing the heartbeat. He noted that it was entirely possible he just couldn't see it; thus, the scheduled ultrasound at 7 weeks. Distinct changes take place in just a week and that is what your doctor will look for to determine viability. If your Hcg levels are rising appropriately and everything else appears normal, it may just be too soon to see the heartbeat. Don't give up hope yet. I haven't. Give your baby time to develop and the doctors time to be able to see it.

Early ultrasound performed to determine dates the tech estimated the age at 5 weeks 4 days but could not detect a fetal heart rate Is this OK is it just too early to tell?

Yes, I am sure everything is fine. The heartbeat does not usually develop until around week 5, but that does not always mean that the ultrasound can detect it. It is hard to tell exactly how many days pregnant you really are so it is possible that it could be 4 days off too. I wouldn't worry about anything unless you start to cramp or bleed, which could be signs of miscarriage and you should contact your OB/GYN right away. I am not trying to scare you but cramping can also be signs of gas or your uterus growing. Your ultrasound was done so close to around the time the heartbeat is developing, I wouldn't worry.

When does the heartbeat starts when im pregnant?

You never will be able to detect his heartbeat without specialized medical equipment. But if you're at the doctors office it should be right away.

Can a horse be pregnant even if she has a negative ultrasound?

Yes, it is possible for a horse to be pregnant and have a negative ultrasound result if it is done too early in the pregnancy. It is recommended to repeat the ultrasound examination at a later stage to confirm the pregnancy.

When can you determin a babys sex while pregnant?

The baby's gender can usually be determined by ultrasound in the mid to late second trimester of the pregnancy. The baby's gender usually begins to develop during the latter half of the first trimester (about 8 weeks).

How common are varicoceles?

Varicoceles are very common. Approximately 15% of the male population will develop a varicocele that is clinically detectable and another 3% will develop one that is only detectable by ultrasound.

When does the fetus develop a heartbeat?

In a fetus, the heart starts beating by the fifth week of the gestation period. This is also when it divides into chambers.

Can an ultrasound miss an 8 week pregnancy?

It is possible that your health care provider will be able to detect your pregnancy on an ultrasound as early as your fifth or sixth week of pregnancy. However, the sac containing your baby and its heart is so small at this stage that it will probably be difficult to detect. Sometime around the 8th week of pregnancy is the best time to start being able to see your baby on an ultrasound.

What happens during the second trismester?

During the second trimester of pregnancy (weeks 13-28), the fetus grows rapidly, and its organs continue to develop. This is often referred to as the "honeymoon phase" because symptoms like nausea may lessen, and a pregnant person may experience a burst of energy. It's also when the baby's sex can be determined via ultrasound.