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No. I believe he must wait until the divorce is final and all terms are worked out.

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Q: If getting a divorce in Pennsylvania can the spouse who provides medical insurance legally terminate the other's medical benefits before the divorce is final when the two are living separately?
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Yes Check out

Can employer cancel health insurance upon termination?

Technically employer should inform the insurance company when they terminate any regular employee. Then insurance company will give 31 days window after termination date. That way, the emplyee could able to change their insurance either to new company benefits program or convert to individual health insurance. The employer can't terminate your group health insurance.

What are the benefits of group health insurance?

One of the biggest benefits of group health insurance is that as a group, usually an employer, you can get insurance at a cheaper rate per person then you otherwise could purchase separately. It also allows for a better benefit package all around.

Can an insurance company force you to have surgery if you are trying to collect disability?

An insurance company can't force you to do anything. But, dependent on your policy, they could deny your claim or terminate benefits based on medical non-compliance.

Does Hershey offer health insurance benefits to the same-sex partners of its employees?

Yes. Even though they are based in Pennsylvania, a state where there are no LGBT rights, Hershey does offer these benefits.

Can your employer drop your insurance when you are out of work for an injury?

I presume your asking about Medical/Health Insurance? If you are out of work for a work-related injury [ie. you're on work comp] your company can terminate your medical/health insurance. I don't think it applies to short-term or long-term disability as those are health/medical benefits to begin with.

What are the laws in regards to PIP car insurance in Pennsylvania?

Personal Injury Protection, or PIP, is mandatory in Pennsylvania. It helps pay for medical bills. Your rates should not be affected by this should you need to use it. It is now known as First Party Benefits.

Does Pennsylvania extend benefits to same-sex partners of state employees?

No. Pennsylvania does not.

What are the benefits of breakdown cover insurance?

There are many benefits of a breakdown cover insurance. Some benefits of a breakdown cover insurance are risk cover, tax benefits and protection in emergency situations and many more.

Does the state of Pennsylvania collect income tax on Social Security benefits?

No, Pennsylvania is not one of the fourteen states that taxes Social Security benefits.

What is a pre existing limitation?

A pre existing limitation is a medical condition that prevents you from receiving health benefits or insurance benefits. Insurance companies consider this before granting insurance or benefits.

What are employee benefits?

Employee benefits are things other than money the company gives you: medical insurance life insurance disability insurance retirement benefits vacation paid holidays