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Q: If a doctor prescribe antibiotics to any patient what type of infection the patient may have (BACTERIAVIRAL?
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What aftercare does recovery from tracheotomy require?

The doctor may prescribe antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection. If the patient can breathe without a ventilator, the room is humidified

Do doctors have the obligation to prescribe the antibiotics if the patient requests it?

No. Just asking for medication does not mean they have to prescribe it.

What care should a patient receive after a tracheotomy?

A chest x ray is often taken, especially in children, to check whether the tube has become displaced or if complications have occurred. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection. If the patient can breathe.

In what situation should a doctor prescribe antibiotics for a patient?

This is a question that continues to stimulate vigorous debate among doctors, especially as concern about antibiotic resistance has grown in the past few years. In general, I prescribe antibiotics to children when I have good clinical suspicion that their symptoms are caused by an infectious bacterium. Cases of middle ear infections (otitis media), sinusitis (sinus infection), pharyngitis (sore throat), and bronchitis or pneumonia, when accompanied by high fevers are usually good times to prescribe antibiotics. These are basically good rules of thumb when treating adults as well. There are those, of course, on the extremes of the issue, who will either prescribe antibiotics indiscriminately for all illnesses, or will abstain from their use in almost every case, but I think that these doctors are becoming rare animals.

What is the purpose of a culture and sensitivity study?

A culture and sensitivity study is done to identify the specific type of bacteria causing an infection and determine which antibiotics will be effective in treating it. This helps healthcare providers to prescribe the most appropriate antibiotic therapy for the infection, reducing the risk of antibiotic resistance and improving patient outcomes.

What do you think would happen if a doctor prescribe an antibiotic for a patient surffering from influenza?

It won't do anything to help or hurt the influenza, but it can treat or prevent a secondary bacterial infection if the doctor diagnoses, or anticipates, the development of a bacterial infection. Antibiotics are only effective on bacteria. Antiviral medications, like Tamiflu, are for treating influenza.

Can a dentist prescribe nystan ointment?

yes, Yeast infections do occur in the mouth and many times it is a direct result from the antibiotics the dentist prescribed the patient. However, dentist's she be aware that a patient with an oral yeast infection without having any prior use of antibiotics could have autoimmune diseases and should be referred to a M.D. Many denture patients also commonly suffer from yeast infections.

Which of the these statements about antibiotics is false?

Safely using antibiotics can only be done when a patient has all the facts. The most common misconception about antibiotics is that they can cure any infection. This statement is false and when taken improperly, antibiotics may not cure an infection, they can make a person sick.

Do you need pain medication and antibiotics for staph infection?

You will usually need antibiotics when fighting a staph infection. Whether you need pain medication or not depends on where the infection is located and the severity of the infection. Pain medication is not actually necessary to cure the infection but may make the patient more comfortable during healing.

Antibiotics are used to treat viral infections like the flu True or False?

Antibiotics kill bacteria. Antivirals kill viruses. However, a patient with a viral infection might sometimes be given antibiotics to reduce the work the patient's defenses have to do or to stop opportunistic infections.

Does treating a viral infection with antibiotics affect the course of the infection?

Antibiotics do nothing to treat a viral infection. However, in some cases a physician thinks a patient needs a bacterial infection treated in order to throw off a viral infection.

What aftercare is prescribed for patients of joint replacement?

the patient will be catheterized so that he or she will not have to get out of bed to urinate. The patient will be monitored for infection. Antibiotics are continued and pain medication is prescribed.