In terms of providing first aid to an ''adult'', it is usually made on a subjective judgment of the casualty's size rather than age. A child is usually classed as up until puberty and an adult may be classed as after that.
For example in CPR, 'child' CPR should be followed for children up until age 12 (approx) but 'adult' CPR can safely be administered to casualties above this age. It is usually made on judgment and there is no definite age limit.
They train you in first aid both on and off the job.
Ask if they are all right.
Baby first aid kits carry most of the items that traditional first aid kits carry. However, there are a few exceptions like a baby first aid kit will have baby aspirin instead of the adult dosage.
any adult who cannot speak
because adults know more then kids, and if that adult has kids he/ she should know what to do if their child was in danger.
Don't worry it is 14
First it goes foal then yearling then 2 year old then adult then mature adult. There you have it!
Almost 80.
How Many compressions first aid? First Aid First Aid C.P.R compressions depens on what your casualty age is and ADULT : 30 COMPRESSONS Breaths CHILD : 2 Breaths and 30 COMPRESSONS and 2 Breaths Baby : PLEASE REMEBER LET SOMEONE WHO IS A FIRST AIDER OR MEDICAL STAFF DO THIS? Thanks Callum
Well you should first start by figuring out what kind of first aid you would like to teach. Would you like to teach adult vs. children? First aid in car accidents or post op surgery's? Burns or wounds? Theres a plethora of scenarios. A good place to start is by obtaining a book the red cross uses when you take a first aid class. This is a nationally recognized class and should give you guidance that's needed.
what does e.a.r stand for in first aid' what does e.a.r stand for in first aid'
if the arrow point to the top aid: Aid (arrow pointing toward it) Aid Aid Answer: First Aid