Most states do not. You will have to check with each state individually to find out weather or not you have to receive extra schooling. Each state has different guild lines.
You must earn a master's degree in speech-language pathology and be regulated by the state in most areas in the United States. There is also licensing requirements that the pathologist may be subjected to.
It is not actually the schooling process that is necessary for the child; it is the learning process and the child acquiring needed skills. The schooling process as we know it is simply the avenue that was chosen to teach children those skills. The schooling process does become necessary in order to enter certain fields and professions.
A speech language pathologist is someone who diagnosis and remediates speech and language disorders. They typically work in schools, hospitals, outpatient clinics and long term care facilities. In order to become a speech language pathologist, an individual needs to have both a bachelors and a masters degree and meet the requirements for the clinical certificate of competency from the American Speech Language and Hearing Association. A speech pathologist is someone who studies speech disorders.
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There is not much school necessary to become an automotive technician. You have to go to auto-tech school for at least two years to get your degree. Then you can get your job.
The type of schooling to be a scientist would vary depending on the field of interest. Usually, however, an undergraduate, graduate, and perhaps a doctorate is necessary.
Yes. You'll have to go to college, and then a few more years of schooling.
You bet - assuming that he/she completes all the schooling necessary for becoming an MD.
You would have to do a new course of study. Speech pathologist do not have to have a teaching credential, so you'll be starting over. Some of your ed classes may carry over, but my guess is not many. My mom is a retired speech pathologist and she tells me they are really needed in the schools and there is a shortage.
You can become an LPN or an RN. An RN requires more schooling but both can be achieved without attending college. There are vocational programs that can help you to get your nursing degree.
A college certificate or preferably a degree is necessary. Many community colleges offer courses in this field. Some medical knowledge is helpful, but scientific courses are not necessary.