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Q: How much is spent on medical malpractice insurance annually?
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Americans spent an estimated $18.6 billion on Valentine's Day in 2013.

How much money is spent on cosmetics in the us?

the average amount spent annually on makeup is 8 billion dollars.

How many advertising dollars are spent annually by all US advertisers?

15 billion

How much money is spent by corporations on sports marketing sponsorships annually?

500 million

What is the average amount of money spent on clothes per person?

Round 1200 annually!

This is Paula's monthly budget What percent of her expenses is spent on insurance?

20Given Paula's monthly budget, the percentage of expenses spent on insurance can be determined by subtracting all the other expenses from the monthly budget, which leaves you with the anoint spent on insurance.

Is money spent on lenses for cataract surgery tax deduxtible?

These would be tax deductible under Medical Expenses on Schedule A if you have enough expenses to overcome the threshold and itemize. You cannot use any medical expenses that are reimbursed or paid for by insurance.

Why did your health insurance insurance send you check?

Under health reform, insurers have to spend a certain percentage of their revenues (your premiums) on medical care and on improving quality of care. If they spent less than the target percentage, they have to refund money to you. That is why you received a check.

If you make 1420.00 and you spend 283.00 on insurance what percent of your income is spent on insurance?


How much money is spent on dog clothes?

Over 1,000 Dollars.

How much money is spent on nail polish annually?

The amount of money spent on nail polish each year is 768 million dollars. This data was recorded in the year 2012.