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Q: How much does a medical doctor earn in Trinidad per month?
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14 thousand

What type of doctor earn the most per month?

neurosurgeon earn most.

How much do medical doctors earn per month?

300,000 a year

How much money a doctor can earn after pg in a month?

2 rs

What is the income for the first year at medical school?

As a doctor I can easily tell you that the income for first year medical school is ZERO. In fact during the whole of medical school YOU pay them to teach YOU. You earn NOTHING, not a cent! You only start to earn money when you graduate and get a job as a licensed medical doctor. (I'm a licensed medical doctor)

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2 lakh per month

How much do you earn being a doctor surgery general?

i think you usually get 100.000$ a month

How much money would a person earn at working as a doctor?

$5000 per month

How much does a doctor earn per month in south africa?

i'd say about R500-R1000 depending what type of a doctor you are

How did Maya Angelou earn the title of doctor?

because of her intelegence, people consider her as a doctor. she not actually a medical doctor. its a term out of respect. :D

Why would you want to earn a degree in medical billing and coding?

To be come a real doctor

Who was the nations first woman doctor?

Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman doctor to earn a degree in Geneva Medical College.