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Q: How much do medical doctors earn in Cameroon monthly?
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How much do medical doctors's make weekly in Miami Florida?

In general medical doctors earn $119,000-$205,000 if they do not perform surgery. For medical doctors that do perform surgeries they can earn $192,000 - $299,000 each year.

How much do medical doctors earn per month?

300,000 a year

How much does a medical lab tech earn monthly?

According to the 2007-2008 Salary Survey by Advance for Medical Laboratory Professionals, the average monthly salary for a medical lab tech in the U.S. would be approximately $3,400.

Do doctors have Ph.Ds in addition to their medical degrees?

No, doctors do not have Ph.Ds in addition to their medical degrees. Medical doctors earn a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree, while Ph.Ds are typically earned by individuals in research-focused fields.

How much money does a general anesthesiologist earn?

Anesthesiologists tend to earn the most out of all medical doctors. Their pay is approx. 200,000 to 350,000 a year.

What job gets the best salary?

i live in the UK and the best paid jobs are things like.. NHS dentists, doctors, options, footballers (offcourse) and scientists.. dentists can earn upto £100,000 doctors earn around £75,000 optitions earn around £50,000 and footballers earn milions.. scientists can earn from £30,000 - £500,000 Medical practitioners earn around £80,000

How much do dance teachers earn monthly?

They earn £150 monthly either by the head teacher of goverment.

Do American doctors earn more then Australian ones?

Yes doctors in the United States earn much more then doctors in Australia.

What do Cameroon people earn?

per capita $2300.00 per anum

Why aren't lawyers called doctors?

Lawyers are not called doctors because they do not hold a medical degree like medical doctors do. The title of "doctor" is typically reserved for those who have earned a doctoral degree in a specific field, such as medicine or philosophy. Lawyers typically earn a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree, which is a professional degree in law, but it is not equivalent to a medical doctorate.

Can lawyers be referred to as doctors?

No, lawyers cannot be referred to as doctors. "Doctor" typically refers to someone who has earned a doctoral degree in a specific field, such as medicine or philosophy. Lawyers earn a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree, but they are not medical doctors.

Do doctors need a PhD to practice medicine?

No, doctors do not need a PhD to practice medicine. They typically earn a medical degree (MD) or a doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) degree to become licensed physicians.