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A Pediatrician is a medical physician who specializes in Pediatrics. The bachelors degree (a four year program of study as a full-time student) can be in a number of areas and not specific to the exact sciences . Individuals enter medical schools from a variety of areas. For example, medical schools love candidates who are well grounded in the liberal arts area. Nonetheless, it would be advantageous to also make sure you are well grounded in the sciences. You can include this course work in many types of Bachelors Degrees within the elective area. Some courses you should consider are as follows:

  • Cell Biology
  • Biology of the Organism
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology I
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology II
  • Microbiology
  • Inorganic, Organic and Biochemistry.

In addition, I would not automatically exclude a Bachelor's degree in Biology. There are options within the Biology Majors that are designed to prepare students for medical school. They are usually referred to as Pre-Med programs of study. I would also speak to some medical physicians and ask what they did while pursing their career goals. I would not speak to just one, but at least three. If you have a family doctor, this would be a good place to start. Sometimes you can pick up very good information that could be critical to your success. Lastly, contact some colleges or universities and speak to advisers whose areas of expertise lie within the medical field. Make sure whatever college or university you decide on is fully accredited by the regional accreditation agency responsible for that particular geographical area.

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Q: How many years of undergraduate schooling are needed to become a pediatrician?
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What subject are needed to become a pediatrician?

You need to have all sciences (Biology, physics and chemistry) and it is obvious that you need to have A's and A*'s to become a peditrician