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There have been 78 combat jumps.

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Q: How many combat jumps have there been?
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Which Army Unit has the most combat jumps?

the 82nd Airborne has, by far, the most combat jumps. This began during WWII.

What is the most combat jumps completed by an individual?

It is most likely that they most combat jumps by any individual would be six. It is not actually known who the person because the jumps are made as units, not individuals.

Did the 82ND Airborne Division make 5 combat jumps in World War II?

No, the 82nd ARB made 4 combat jumps during world war II. Salerno, Sicily, Normandy, and Holland. The only other combat jump since was into Panama during Operation Just Cause.

Combat jumps by the 187th airborne regiment in Korea?

Sukoh'on/Sunch'on and Munsan-ni were the two jumps in Korea. Munsan-ni jump was on 23 March 1951. I made this jump............

I know rangers have to be jump qualified but do they do combat jumps on a regular basis at least for this current war?

As far as I know, only two combat jumps have occurred since the GWOT began in 2001. The first was Operation Bright Star in 2001 in Afghanistan, in which 147 Rangers made a combat jump into Afghanistan. The other was Operation Option North in 2003 in Iraq, which involved 1,000 jumpers drawn from the 173rd Airborne Brigade, and US Air Force's 18 Expeditionary Force. That jump was more a matter of posturing than necessity, however - the airfield was already secured by the time the jump occurred, and was more than capable of handling any aircraft necessary. Before 2001, there hadn't been any combat jumps made since Desert Storm, and only 12 jumps (which seems to me to indicate only 12 personnel) were credited for that one.

What are military jumps?

Military jumps typically refer to parachute jumps performed by military personnel as part of their training or operational duties. These jumps can be used for various purposes such as inserting troops into combat zones, conducting airborne operations, or practicing emergency evacuation procedures. Military personnel undergo specialized training to safely perform these jumps from aircraft at high altitudes.

How high does the Army jump the special operations personnel?

such parachutes drops equate to combat jumps and can be from 500 to 800 feet

How many jumps are there to get the orange domo?

There are 22 jumps to the orange domo

How many F-14's have been shot down in combat?

While a number of F-14's have been lost due to accidents, none were ever shot down in combat.

How many jumps does it take to get a skydiving license?

usually 7-8 jumps

How many veterans suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress disorder?

Of those who have been in combat, most of them if not all.

Was karate designed to be used in combat?

All martial arts were designed to be used in combat. That was their entire purpose for being created and studied for centuries. Many have since been softened to be sports.