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I had a single wisdom tooth removed in August this year, together with a normal, but decayed tooth next to it. After a general anaesthetic, it took about 3 to 4 weeks for the gum to settle down and for my eating to get totally back to normal. At about the 8 week point I found I had a tiny piece of bone protruding from the gum, but this came out by itself a couple of weeks later. I'm aged 62, by the way.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

I just got all my teeth pulled about 2 weeks ago and I still can't eat anything but soft foods.

My dentist said that it takes 2-4 weeks depending on if the extractions are simple or complex. Most of my gums are pretty much healed besides where I had complex extractions done.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

it depends how premature or how ready it is to be pulled out. if it is extremely lose and theres only one thred of skin still hanging on then it will not as bleed as much but if you have about one whole side of it was hanging and you pulled it out it will bleed way more. but if you lose your tooth in a piece of food you are mostly likely not to notice and it wont bleed as much also.

hope this helped :)


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βˆ™ 14y ago

It depends on your age, sex and general health. Normally, about 72 hours.

One method used is to apply a tea-bag to the surgical site to help it heal. Why?

Because tea contains tanic acid, which helps shrink and heal the gum area where the tooth was pulled.

Do not use a "hot" tea bag --- lukewarm is fine. Just bite on it as you would if it were gauze and hold it for awhile. I think that will help (advice from my periodontist).

Regards and best of luck.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

It takes 3-4 weeks for the gum to be fully healthy and normal

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Normally it takes , 7 to 10 days.But it depends by the age ,the other desises you have etc

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βˆ™ 13y ago

I would check but i would say it takes within 3 weeks for the gum to heal.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The time it would take for gums to heal after three teeth are removed would depend on the health of the patient; normally it takes 10 days.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

6 to 8 weeks

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Q: How long will gums bleed after teeth being pulled?
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Absolutely not!!!! Blood cannot stain your teeth!!! I'm a dental hygienist!

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well no because that is not good on your gums it can make them swell or even bleed i would'nt and it hurts

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no if your gums are bleeding when you gtind your teeth you may have gum disesase consult you dentist asap !

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I was told by my dentist that, contrary to instinct, when your gums bleed, you need to brush more, not less. Healthy gums should not bleed with normal brushing, along with looking a healthy pink hue.

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Gargle with salt water and take a multivitamin daily.

Does having you re teeth pulled out hurt?

Well, before they actually remove your teeth, the dentist will inject a numbing formula into the gums out the teeth that are to be pulled out. Pretty much that thing that hurts the most is the little prick of the needle. Don't sweat it!

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