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1 year after expiration

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Q: How long is epi pen certification good for?
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What is epi pen short for?

Epinephrine Pen

What does the medical abbreviation EPI mean?

Epi is usually used as shorthand for epinephrine, as in an Epi-pen.

How do they get the stuff that is in an epi pen?

In an Epi Pen, there is epinepherine, hence the name "Epi". Epinepherine is a naturally made hormone in everyone that affects neurotransmitters in your body. Because it is naturally made, no one can be allergic to it, but it does cause extreme reactions. An Epi Pen simply contains more epinepherine than your body produces to counteract a severe allergic reaction.

Why does the epi pen go in the thigh?

The Epi Pen can also go into your deltoid muscle (the largest muscle part of your arm) because an Epi Pen is an IM (Intra-muscular) injection. On the lateral portion of your thigh, you have a large muscle that can be easily accessed and can absorb the medication appropriately and quickly.

Can you use Epipens more than once?

An Epi-pen is a single use instrument. After use, it should be discarded in an appropriate container. If you continue to have the symptoms that made you use the Epi-pen in the first place, you may give yourself another dose of the Epi-pen, provided you have another one in your possession. Once you use your Epi-pen, you should call for EMS and be transported to the hospital for evaluation of your condition and observation to ensure you do not have recurrence of your allergic reaction.

When was the epi pen invented?

In 1977 and was made public in 1980's

Epi is a slang term for what?

Epi Pen, a needle that has a histamine blocker to stop severe allergic reactions to things such as nuts and bee stings.

Where do you inject an epipen?

There is a children's version of the Epi Pen called Epi Pen Junior, which can be used on a child as young as eight, but it should be administered by an adult. Older children such as 13 years old and up can use it by themselves once they have been instructed on how and when to do so.

How do you spell Epi-Pen?

Epi-Pen is spelled just like you have it. It is a pre-filled syringe to administer Epinephrine. It is used when someone has a severe life-threatening allergic reaction. After its use, the person MUST be seen at the E.R.

Under what medical emergency would one use epinephrine drug or epi pen?


Can you take an epi pen on airline flights?

If you are prescribed to have one on you at all time, you can take it anywhere you are if necessary.

Is using an Epipen painful?

when you get an epi pen you jab it through your leg and it hurts so much as hell but it goes away hold it there for ten seconds but the doctor will show you how and then when you done go the hospital really quickly