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A couple days! its not bad with the meds though.

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That depends on many things like how many you had cut out and your pain threshold. For an average person it takes a few days but just hang in there!

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Q: How long does it hurt after getting your wisdom teeth cut out of your mouth?
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Do wisdom teeth hurt when they grow?


How do you know if your wisdom teeth gums are infected because my gums hurt and are tender but i don't have a bad taste in my mouth?

you will know if the inside of your mouth is hurting or if you havent brushed your teeth in a while also go see someone about it

Do I need to have my wisdom teeth pulled if they don't hurt?

NO! Taking out your wisdom teeth is orthodox but offers no significant advantages over leaving your wisdom teeth in. However, many orthodontists think that for those with a smaller mouth it's the best thing to do.

I am just getting my wisdom teeth at 33 and they really hurt. The back of my throat is swollen. What causes this and how can I stop the pain?

You have to get them removed.

Do you need to have your wisdom teeth removed if there is enough space in your mouth for them to come in?

Before I had braces on, it was suggested that I have my wisdom teeth removed, so I did. It could however depend on the individuals teeth, mine were quite crowded or as they call it impacted. You'll be glad you got braces, good for you. Very often, if wisdom teeth have no room to erupt, it is recommended to extract them following an orthodontic treatment.

Really sore lump on your gum at the back of your mouth none of your teeth hurt but this lump does what could it be?

Possibly a new(wisdom?) tooth emerging. Have a dentist check it out. caryhoneybee

Do sharks hurt themselves with there sharp teeth?

no sharks do not hurt themselves with their own teeth because they don't close their mouth fully and the teeth do not touch them

Should your gums hurt as your wisdom teeth break through?

There is a little soreness

Does the eruption of wisdom teeth hurt?

yep! it does let your dentist check it and give you antibiotics to lessen the pain, they will also recommend that you get your teeth a panaromic xray.

How long does it hurt to have brackets on your wisdom teeth?

It depends if ur teeth are sencible if they are about 1 month if they are notabout 1 week

Do braces hurt when they are being placed on your teeth?

Having braces placed on your teeth does not hurt. As they braces are adjusted periodically, your mouth can be uncomfortable, but tolerable.

When you punch someone in the mouth can you hurt your hand?

Since their face is made of bone and has teeth in the mouth, yes.