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Q: How long does chiropractic doctor have to keep medical records?
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Related questions

How long do doctor's have to keep medical records in New Zealand?

approx 6years

Can hospice keep your dead husbands medical records from the wife?

This is somewhat complicated, but you, as the wife, usually have a right for the hospice doctor to review the medical records with you.

How long do you keep medical records for HIPAA?

HIPAA has nothing to do with how long you have to keep medical records.

What does a medical billing and coding certification mean?

Medical billing and medical coding are important to the operations of a hospital, doctor's office or any medical facility. They are part of the records and financial department and help to keep records of all patients, of procedures and take care of billing and insurance records.

Can medical records stay in the patient room?

It is possible for the medical records to stay in the room with the patients. They used to take the patients clipboards and medical records on the outside of the door, but now they do not do so. It is has actually been discontinued a long time ago due to security reasons. People would take medical records of the patients in a room and dress up as a doctor and create fake badges and be impersonated as a doctor. So, no, they cannot keep the medical records in a room with a patient.

Your husband is in the army what about your medical records?

Keep a copy of ALL of the serviceman's medical records.

How long to keep deceased medical records in Georgia?

Many people would keep a deceased person's records for at least 10 years. Many people keep these records for longer than that.

What 7 letter words in English have the letter z in them?

Medical billing and medical coding are important to the operations of a hospital, doctor's office or any medical facility. They are part of the records and financial department and help to keep records of all patients, of procedures and take care of billing and insurance records.

Do all states keep medical records the same amount of time?

all states are required to keep medical records for at least 7 years. Most medical records are kept longer in case they get sued.

Who keeps track of medical records?

I keep track of my medical records and everyone else should as well...

What is private health care used for?

"Private health care is used for private doctor appointments and to help keep your medical records private and out of sight of others, because others can tamper with your health records."

How long should a medical record be kept in California?

In California, a doctor has the right to keep records forever if they choose. However, legally they only have to keep them for 25 years after the patients last visit.