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The immediate risk is the matter of recovery from the sedation. This will take several hours. A 24-hour break is often advised before resuming normal activity. However, the blood has to clot and the gum has to heal, so care is needed when brushing etc for several days afterwards. If stitches have been used, then a further 7 to ten days of 'healing' will be necessary.

However, as gym sessions don't usually involve chewing, eating or jaw movements (except for boxing and Martial Arts, maybe!), then, with care, some moderate exercise may be taken.

Even so, it is best to consult your dentist or a medical professional, as there may be further factors that should be considered.

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16y ago

Depending on how extensive the surgery was, you should plan on taking it easy for about a week to ten days. During that time, you are at risk for developing post-operative complications such as dry socket or bleeding. If you have sutures that need to be removed by the surgeon, take it easy until then and discuss your activity level with him/her. Follow their advice.

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15y ago

not sure wether this is right but you dont have any answers so i thought i would try, i think anytime? i didnt know it had any effect on you excercising...if your unsure check with your dentist

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