Relaxation training, yoga, t'ai chi, and dance therapy help patients relieve physical and mental symptoms of stress. Hydrotherapy, Massage Therapy, and aromatherapy are useful to some anxious patients because they can promote general relaxation
Most forms of alternative treatment for neck pain are directed at the milder forms of chronic pain caused by occupational or emotional stress.
There is no alternative treatment for complement problems.
Alternative remedies can lessen the frequency and severity of headaches.
Stress management and relaxation techniques, such as hypnosis and guided imagery , may be useful in breaking the habit of jaw clenching and teeth grinding.
However, a number of therapies such as cognitive-behavior therapy, group therapy, and exposure therapy are showing promise.
Conductive hearing loss can be treated with alternative therapies that are specific to the particular condition.
Cancer is treated in alternative medicine using various ways. These are non-conventional methods of treatment which include aromatherapy, acupuncture, massage and so much more.
Alternative medicine offers a variety of treatments for conditions ranging from morning sickness to stretch marks.
Because many alcoholics have very stressful lives (because of, or leading to, the alcoholism), many of the treatments for alcoholism involve dealing with and relieving stress.
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Early intervention proves critical in managing autism.