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Pathology, literally translated, is "the study of suffering", and involves the study of the diseases of the human body. It is a field that is pretty much endless - in one's lifetime it will be difficult to actually understand the exact mechanisms that cause every single disease! It is one of the most important tools of a doctor, and study of pathology general involves the recognition of signs and symptoms of a disease, the epidemiology (how widespread and where the disease is located), the etiological agents (causing factors, specific microbes/viruses), course of disease, outcomes, and complications of the disease. All of these factors are extremely important in studying pathology and it is not only used by doctors but by many scientists and analysts across the world in mapping the path of a disease, identifying causing factors, etc.

Personally, pathology is one of my favourite subjects - it is always very interesting to see how pathology can be applied and in which situations it is applicable. You may have applied your own informal study of pathology when you note that some has a sprained ankle or a common cold - the only thing differing you from a doctor is the level of detail at which you understand it, hence making pathology a very interesting and challenging field :)! Hope that you're interested in it!

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doctors for example because pathology is used to help people with Decease

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