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A male fertility test involves an evaluation of the sperm. Once a sample has been given, it will be analysed. Once the results are through, a doctor can recommend any action needed.

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Q: How is a male fertility test carried out?
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Is a fertility test the same as a pregnancy test?

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The Huhner test is a type of fertility test in which the compatibility of sperm and cervicalmucus is evaluated. This is an important test because up to 8% of infertility cases are related to incompatibility between cervical mucus and sperm. The Huhner test, also known as the Sims-Huhner test or the postcoital test, is carried out by an infertility diagnostician, who examines these fluids several hours after intercourse has taken place. thank you..................................

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you should go to a fertility doctor or an obstetrician to ask for a fertility test.

Can a fertility test detect the pregnancy hormone hCG?

No. Fertility tests are made to detect FSH not hCG. You will need to buy an actual home pregnancy test or see your Dr.

Where can one find out more about male fertility problems?

To find out more about male fertility problems you can talk to your doctor or go to WebMD, Conceive Online, Body and Health, Mayo Clinic and Net Doctor.

What are some examples of reduced hybrid fertility?

Examples of reduced hybrid fertility include the mule, which is a cross between a male donkey and a female horse. Mules are typically sterile. Another example is the liger, a hybrid between a male lion and a female tiger, which tends to have reduced fertility.

How many test are in one big box of clear blue easy fertility monitor test sticks?

A big box of Clearblue easy fertility monitor test sticks contains 30 test sticks. However, there are other boxes that contain less test sticks for a cheaper price.

Is a male with XXY chromosome combination a normal male or sterile male?

A male with XXY chromosome combination has a condition called Klinefelter syndrome. This can lead to reduced fertility, but not complete sterility. These individuals can father children with assisted reproductive technologies.