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The Initial, or Primary, Survery is a rapid evaluation to quickly identify life or limb threatening injury.

The Primary survey consists of ABCDE:

  1. Airway - evaluation of the airway includes ensuring the airway is unobstructed, the trachea is midline, and if necessary, securing the airway either with a supraglottic device, endotracheal intubation, or if necessary, cricothyrotomy/tracheostomy
  2. Breathing - ensuring breathing is normal. This includes observing the breathing pattern, effectiveness, and listening to the lungs. One should also observe the chest for abnormal mechanics
  3. Circulation - look for any obvious sources of hemorrhage and apply pressure, if necessary. Also, look at overall perfusion.
  4. Disability - a quick mental status evalution. Adult Trauma Life Support (ATLS) recommends using the AVPU mnemonic - Alert, responds to Verbal stimuli, responds to Painful stimuli, or Unresponsive.
  5. Exposure - remove all clothing, rapid anterior and posterior examination, and cover with warm blankets.

The primary survey can usually be completed in a matter of a few seconds if a patient is well appearing.

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Q: How does the initial survey and physical exam relate to the initial assessment of an injured athlete?
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