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The 3 Main Advantages Are That . . .1. You can save peoples lives2. It looks good on your reseme later in time and that it opens new doors to new jobs3. You know your body as well as others much better, great education for the human bodyHOPE THIS HELPS!!
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14y ago
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11y ago

If they are choking, use the Heimlich maneuver.

If they are bleeding use tourniquet or pressure.

If they are not breathing you can do mouth to mouth resuscitationn.

If they get a bee or wasp sting and are allergic, you can give allergy medicine or epi-shot if they carry them.

If they take something poison you can help if you know what to give for different poisons.

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12y ago

This is a pretty vague question, but I'll give you a scenario that I hope will help answer your question:

- You see a man lying on his back in the middle of a quit road. You walk closer and see no obvious injuries ?

There's something called a primary survey, where you do DRAB C / DR. ABC (whatever you want to call it that will help you remember it!)

D - danger - check if there's any immediate danger around the man, such as cars or broken glass, etc.

(If there is, try to remove the danger, not the man. Stop any traffic (use other people around you to manage this) move any dangerous objects away if you can without hurting yourself - REMEMBER - you are the most important person in this situation, you need to know that the situation is safe for you to continue, if not, do not proceed, just call for help.)

There is no immediate danger:

R - response - check for any sign of response from him, try calling out to him - 'Are you okay, do you need any help?' if there is no response, walk up to him, and bend down and proceed to shout in both ears (he could be deaf). If he does not respond, gently shake his shoulders to try and wake him.

There is no response:

A - airway - check for an airway, whether the person's airway is open. Often when someone is unconscious, their chin tips forwards and their tongue blocks their airway, stopping them from breathing. This can be especially dangerous if they start to vomit, as they do!

To check for an airway, tilt the head back with one hand while you push the mouth open by putting two fingers on the soft bone under your chin and pushing it upwards, this airway is now stable as long as your hands and fingers are still there.

The airway is open:

B - breathing - check if they're breathing (still maintain his airway as shown above) you can do this by putting your cheek above their open mouth (facing toawrds their body) and see if you can see, feel and hear normal breathing (laboured breathing does not count as normal breathing), look for the stomach rising and falling, feel for breath on your cheek and listen for normal breathing.

They are breathing normally:

C -call for help - either ask someone around you to call for help (while you maintain the airway and put the casualty in the recovery position) or if you are alone, do the next step first, then call for help in any way possible.

Recovery position - the main aim it to get the person on their side to help them breathe and exhale any offending substances, such as bile and vomit that are often projected in people who are out cold.

You can do this simply by pushing them onto their side, however there is a structured way of doing this:

put one arm at a right angle to the body and straighten out the legs, put the other hand on the opposite cheek and then pull the leg furthest away from you into a bent position (do this by holding under the knee) and pull this leg towards you, rolling the person onto their side (don't move your hand from their hand on their cheek, it will just flop back) reopen the airway, check for breathing and just sit with them reassuring them.

Usually while doing the above, you should talk them through what you're doing - they may be unconscious, but hearing is the last sense to go, so they may not be response, but still be able to hear what you're saying and doing, keep on reassuring them that you're here to help and explain what you're doing to help them.

If you're alone, at this point you'd call for an ambulance or any other help you can get.

If the casualty is not breathing:

If you find that the casualty is not breathing at all or has laboured breathing - such as wheezing breaths, short gasps, etc. then they are claimed as not breathing.

At this point, you would have to start CPR.

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is, currently, 30 chest compressions to 2 breaths (for an adult), but if you're not comfortable with breathing into someones mouth or it's dangerous for you, e.g. there's blood around the mouth, vomit in the mouth, etc. then you can just do chest compressions, as breathing for them is not as effective as chest compressions.

So do your two initial breaths then start a cycle of 30 chest compressions. Chest compressions are done by placing one hand over the other in the middle on the chest, lacing your fingers together and keeping your arms straight, pushing down on the chest. (bare in mind that clothing needs to be, ideally, removed for this) once you have completed a cycle, call for an ambulance or any help if you are alone (if there are others around ask them for help immediately).

CPR is a tiring process, if you feel that you are unable to go on, then stop, do not put yourself in danger. If there are others around, explain to them how to do this and swap with them at intervals so that you can carry on CPR continuously until help arrives in the form of an ambulance or just a defibrillator that can be found in public locations.

Such incidents are rare, but the survival rate, especially for adults is also low. Out of 3 people I have had to perform CPR on, none survived past the hospital, I'm afraid to say. However, I can say that I tried my best to help them, and that is what counts.

I hope this helps!

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13y ago
  • It is keeping them from getting worse
  • It may be improving their condition
  • It provides reassuring thoughts because they are being treated
  • It keeps them alive usually
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14y ago

First aid has 3 aims, these are:

1. To Save lives.
2. To prevent further injury.
3, To promote full recovery.

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Jinely T

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4y ago

What are four ways in which first aid can benefit victims of accidents or sudden illness?

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What is the impontance of first aid?

There are 3 aims of first aid, they are: * To save lives. * To prevent further injury. * To promote full recovery.

Why administer first aid?

First Aid has 3 main aims, these are: To SAVE lives. To PREVENT further injury/illness. To PROMOTE full recovery.

Why is it useful to have a first aid qualification?

Giving first aid can save lives, therefore it is important for every one to have this qualification so they know what to do in case of emergencies

Why do you render first aid?

First Aid has 3 main aims, these are:To:1. Save lives.2. Prevent further injury.3. Promote full recovery.

Why is first aid vital in remote areas?

Because it can often longer for more qualified personnel to get there and it is important to keep the person looked after until they do get the help they really need. First aid could help save their lives.

What are the objective of first aid?

1. To save lives. 2. To prevent further injury. 3. To promote full recovery.

Is there a course online to get first aid certification?

I totally agree its important to learn first aid, and I understand you can register online at, if you are a certified first aid instructor you even start you own business to train others. The most important part is that you save lives especially if you come across as accident.

Aims of first aid?

The purpose of a first aid is to give an immediate treatment to the concerned party before taking him to a hospital for proper treatment so that his life is saved. In other words it is the aid given at the first instance.

How do you use the word first aid in a sentence?

first aid is very important. It can save your life.

How can you protect your lives by first aid?

Part of first aid training is safety, which will help to protect your life.

Why is first aid important in our life?

first aid is important because it helps the casualty be safe until medical help arrivesFirst Aid is important because it:1. Saves lives.2. Prevents further injury/illness.3. Promotes full recovery.SOURCE: Professional First Aider.

What is humanitarian aid used for where aid is concerned?

Humanitarian aid is the providing of assistance and supplies. Humanitarian aid is usually found in man-made and natural disasters, and aims to save lives and alleviate suffering.