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You should not apply isopropyl alcohol directly to the forehead or anywhere else on the body. Isopropyl alcohol, unlike ethyl (drinkable) alcohol, is toxic to the body. In small amounts applied to wounds, it is not harmful, but since isopropyl alcohol is easily absorbed by the skin, it can rise to toxic levels very quickly. However, since rubbing alcohol is offered as either isopropyl or ethyl alcohol, if you have a purely ethyl alcohol and water- based rubbing alcohol, it can be used for this purpose. However, it should first be diluted with more water since it is of a very high concentration that is still harmful to the body. Use about 1 part ethyl rubbing alcohol, 2-4 parts water. Obviously, do not use this on young children because it has the same effect as if you gave them alcohol to drink.

Sure won't hurt, it also won't help. It might feel cooling but it won't significantly affect your internal body temp. You need to rid your body of infection or take a medication that will lower your temp such as aspirin, acetominphen, or ibuprofen. However, don't take aspirin if you are under 15 years old because of the risk of Rye's Syndrome. Studies have shown that using isoprpyl alcohol and water baths for fever can be dangerous. The fumes from the mixture can be harmful to both the person being bathed and the person giving the bath as they can be absorbed through the lungs. The isopropyl alcohol can also be absorbed by the skin when applied to the skin. The amount of alcohol that would be used in a bath could lead to alcohol toxicity. Medical studies have shown that inhalation or absorption from the skin could lead to toxic levels of isopropyl alcohol.

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16y ago

Rubbing alcohol can be applied directly to the skin, or it can be used to soak a pad, which is then applied to the skin. Either way, the rubbing alcohol cools the skin as it evaporates. That said, using small applications of rubbing alcohol to cool the skin will probably not be sufficient, in itself, to break a fever. Rubbing alcohol can be used as an adjunct to other fever-reducing measures, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or cold bath (with the advice of a health practitioner).

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12y ago

It doesn't break a fever. What it actually does it just helps reduce the heat off your skin. It gives you the sensation that your temperature has dropped. Since Alcohol evaporates much faster than water it can displace your skin surface temperature quicker. However it does not lower your core temperature. Its better to take a tylenol or something like that. Although it feels great!

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10y ago

In many places in the world, alcohol is used to lower down the fever. There seems to be no harm in this traditional method of lowering the fever.

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Q: Why do people use rubbing alcohol to break a fever?
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What can you rub on the bottom of your feet to break a fever?

This solution is purely folklore. Rubbing on the bottoms of the feet does nothing to a patient's fever (but it might feel good).

Will rubbing alcohol make a headache go away?

It will help with the pain of your headache yes. As well as lower the fever. Don't over do it and don't under do it.

Can rubbing your body down with rubbing alcohol lead to pneumonia?

This is no longer an accepted treatment for fever or infectious disease as it used to be. Years ago this was an accepted way to lower a temp of an infant or child. Please note: this is no longer accepted. Alcohol fumes could overcome or kill a child. To reduce fever in a child (dangerous high fever) use only a tepid bath (water a couple degrees below body temperature which would feel cool to your elbow) or get directions from the pediatrician. ANY time an infant has fever, the doctor should always be contacted.But being cold or having rubbing alcohol on your skin that makes you feel cold can not cause pneumonia. See the related question below about being cold making you sick.

Why does rubbing alcohol reduce fevers?

Rubbing alcohol is isopropyl alcohol, and is poisonous if ingested, (the alcohol you can drink safely is ethanol, a different chemical compound). Rubbing alcohol cools the skin by convection, as the alcohol evaporates it carries the heat away from the body with it, just like perspiration, only faster. Cooling of the body with alcohol will help in reducing a fever, but should only be done when the body temperature is dangerously high, 104-105 or greater. It is best to supplement this cooling with effective medicines like ibuprofen, aspirin (not for young children), or acetaminophen, these take longer to work, but their effect lasts longer. Severely elevated body temperature can cause seizures and/or brain damage in children, if they have a fever that is greater than 104 degrees and does not respond to treatment should be addressed by a physician.

Why is a child with a high fever given a sponge bath with water mixed with rubbing alcohol?

A sponge bath with water mixed with rubbing alcohol is done to help lower a child's fever. The alcohol evaporates quickly, which cools the skin and can help reduce the body temperature. However, it is important to follow a healthcare provider's instructions when using this method, as excessive alcohol exposure can be harmful.

Why do you have a fever after drinking alcohol?

Alcohol can cause dehydration and inflammation, which can lead to a fever-like response in the body. This can also be a result of an alcohol intolerance or an immune system reaction to the toxins in alcohol. It's important to stay hydrated and seek medical advice if you frequently experience fevers after drinking alcohol.

Can a broken bone give you a fever?

The break itself would not cause a fever but an infection as a result of the break could lead to a fever.

Why does rubbing alcohol work to lower the high temperature of a sick?

Rubbing alcohol, when applied to the skin, evaporates quickly which creates a cooling effect on the skin. This cooling effect helps to lower body temperature in cases of fever by drawing heat away from the body. However, it is important to note that rubbing alcohol should not be ingested as it can be toxic.

How do you treat a fever from alcohol withdrawal?


What is the other name of dengue?

dengue is otherwise known as Three- day fever, Break bone fever and dandy fever.

Is it safe to drink alcohol while running fever?

It is not safe to drink alcohol while running a fever as it can interfere with your body's ability to fight off the infection and exacerbate symptoms such as dehydration. Alcohol can also interact with medications you may be taking to manage the fever. It's best to avoid alcohol and focus on rest and hydration when you are sick.

Can you use rubbing alcohol to break a fever?

Yes you can and hospitals will use this method on occasion. Also if a child has a high fever you can cool them down in a bath tub with cold water, but please keep in contact with your family doctor before doing so. NO DONOT LISTEN TO THIS ADVICE ABOVE, A CHILD WITH A HIGH FEVER WILL GO INTO SHOCK IF YOU PLACE THEM IN COLD WATER. GIVE THEM 2 TEASPOONS OF CHILDRENS MOTRIN EVERY TWO HOURS, THEN SWITCH TO TYLENOL,ALTERNATE THIS METHOD MAKE SURE TO KEEP THEM HYDRATED WITH PEDIALYTE OR WATER IF THEY CAN KEEP IT DOWN. Alcohol can be applied to a child or adult to break a fever but DO NOT use large quantities of it on the body.It should be preferably applied on the bottom of the feet or other small areas.By using significant amounts on large parts of the body has the potential to cause cerebral depression if absorb which can lead to neurological deficit or even death.Also, placing a child or even an adult with a high fever can cause them to go into shock or even cause seizures.