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Points to take into consideration: 1. We cannot stop bleeding, we can only control it. 2. Make sure of your own safety by wearing latex gloves, vinyl gloves or even plastic bags - protect yourself from diseases like Aids and hepatitis. 3. Bleeding is controlled by covering the wound with a bandage - the blood soaks into the bandage and will coagulate because of the platelets, (the glue in the blood). If the blood starts to seep through the first dressing, apply another on top, doing so prevents you disturbing any clotting that has allready happened. 4. Always cover injusies to prevent infection. Bleeding of an extremity, (arm or leg), can be controlled first by applying pressure to the injury preferably with a bandage or a clean cloth. If this does not slow the bleeding, elevate the limb higher than the heart so gravity assisting - if you suspect a fractures bone do not attempt to elevate. If this still doesn't control the bleeding you may apply pressure to the pressure point, (squeeze the artery that supplies blood to that limb - ARM, inside between the bicep & tricep; LEG, in the groin) Bleeding from a cavity, (head, thorax, abdomen, pelvic), is the same treatment as for the extremity except for applying pressure - If you apply pressure to say the head, and there is a scull fracture that you do not know of, you may push bonny fragments into the brain.

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13y ago

There is regular bleeding and severe bleeding. for regular bleeding, it is not too important. You can just apply a Band-Aid. For severe bleeding, you should first call 911. Then you should put on protection if available.(gloves and goggles) Then you would apply sterile gauze pads or bandages to the wound and apply direct pressure. Never remove the bandage. It may put the clot out. If the blood soaks through, just apply more bandages over the previous. If it is a limb, you also may want to put it above the heart to slow the blood traveling to that area. pressure points such as under the arm may also be used. You would also treat the victim for shock. Use a tourniquet as the final option.

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Q: How do you treat bleeding?
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According to "The goal of treatment is to stop acute bleeding as soon as possible, and treat varices with medicines and medical procedures. Bleeding must be controlled quickly to prevent shock and death."