Visiting a doctor and using a sort of cast for the arm including the thumb.
A dislocated thumb will occur after the thumb joint has been placed under unusual stress, and will normally occur while playing a sport such as football, or if you fall hard on your hand. The symptoms include: immobility of the thumb, swelling around the thumb, pain (usually severe) and a crooked look to the thumb.
Go to the docter
6 weeks
splinter, broken, dislocated(it can happen, i have made it happen), infected
Take it to the vet and let him do it
Yes I have: broken thumb, dislocated shoulder, L-5 vertebrae stress fracture, fractured growth plate in heel, dislocated elbow, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, broken nose
The phrase is "to thumb ones nose at".
put ice on it while elevated
The suffix of dislocated is -ed.
yes, it will hurt while they locate the bone back ,but they will give you a pain killer that will numb you for a little and after a few weeks it wont hurt as much but you thumb WILL NOT look the same or as before. I hope that answers your question
A dislocated shoulder or knee can be quite painful.
dislocated tissue