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You should NEVER transport somebody with a spinal injury unless you are a professional or the victim is in immediate danger. This is because anymovementto the spinal chord may causeparalysis.

If transportation isabsolutelynecessary, one person must support the head so it does not move. Other people must gently lift the stretcher and move it.

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As immobilized as possible to prevent worsening the injury.

four handed seat

none of the above

~nova net~

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with difficulty

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Straight...and don't droop their head.

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pogo stick

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Q: How do you transport a person with a back injury?
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If the victim has a back injury which of following transport methods should you use?

Leave them as they are

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I personally would call an ambulance.

A person with a serious what injury should not be allowed to walk?

A person with a serious leg injury should not be allowed to walk. It is also true that a person with a serious head or back injury should not be allowed to walk.

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Yes a person can get a back injury from running especially if the person is running in the wrong way. here is a site about just that Conditions Sports and Spine Injuries

Why should you not drag lift a person?

You can cause injury to the person's brachial plexus (network of nerves which send signals from spine to shoulder). Also cause injury to the person performing the lift, can cause back, shoulder and spine injury. These injuries can be debilitating and permanent.

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Slapping a person in the back when they are choking can help, but it can also cause injury. The Heimlich maneuver is always best when a person is choking.

How should you transport back injuries?

If they have a back/spinal injury, do not try to move the victim because it may cause paralysis. If you must move them, only use a backboard or leave it to professionals.

What types of person should not be put into the recovery position?

Do not put a person with a suspected neck or back injury in the recovery position.

Where can a person go to get advice on injury compensation for back related accidents?

A person can go to a lawyer that specializes in injuries and inquire about compensation for back related accidents. A doctor would also be able to tell who which resources you would need to file an incident report for your back related injury.

Can people sue workman comp in Louisiana for a another person run over you and hurt your back and had surgery?

If your injury is work-related it could be covered by Workers' Comp regardless of whether the person responsible for the injury works with you or not.

How do you transport a person with snake bites?

in the back so that you arnt close in case the snake is only small x

What angle do you transport a patient with an eye injury?

Upside down is generally the best.