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by the use of anti histamine

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Q: How do you stop skin hypersensivity?
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How does the skin stop pathogens from entering the body?

The skin den the second layer is the phagocyte. These are the barriers of the skin.

How can save sharks?

Stop killing them for their skin.

What is the correlation to skin cancer?

the correclation to skin cancer is to stop going to tanning beds!!

How do you stop frostbite?

Keep all areas of the skin covered and warm to stop frostbite.

What forms a plug to stop bleeding in the skin?

platelets is what forms to help you stop bleeding

What can people do to help the cheetahs?

People can stop killing them for their skin and stop destroying their habitat.

Does methadone cause picking at skin and how do you stop yourself from picking at it?

stop using meth :)

How can i stop costume jewelry from turning my skin green?

Stop wearing costume jewelry.

How can you get your friend to stop skin picking?

1. does she want to stop that habit and 2. if she does then just put like sour lime or lemon juice on the particular skin

What does the skin do to avoid a bacterial infection?

The skin is only a defense to stop bacteria from entering the body.

How do you stop a sauce getting a skin?

keep stirring

Why must you have skin?

To stop your organs from spilling everywhere