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Direct pressure is the best method. If you can't control the bleeding this way, medical intervention is required.

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Q: How do you stop bleeding from the scrotum?
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What to do if ingrown hair on scrotum pulled and there is excessive blood?

It's expected that you would bleed in this situation. Eventually it should stop. If it is still bleeding after a few hours you need to see a doctor.

When was Stop the Bleeding created?

Stop the Bleeding was created in 1990.

What can you use to stop the bleeding?

gloves cream

Your scrotum is bleeding looks like small pin hole on the scrotum sack?

Angiokeratoma of the scrotum: a case of scrotal bleeding .Please have this checked out by a specialist-the above is the worst case scenario,however,in many cases it is simply a case of dry skin,and extra lubrication and moisture creams should be used on the area regularly. By- Syed Amir Ul Haq LLB Hons.

What forms a plug to stop bleeding in the skin?

platelets is what forms to help you stop bleeding

What is hemostatic agent?

Something that acts to stop bleeding (hemo=blood statis=stop).

Does putting ice on a cut stop the bleeding?

No. It will reduce swelling only. Pressure will stop bleeding.

What should you place by or beside a wound to stop bleeding?

A gauze bandage can be used to stop bleeding.

Will a female dog stop bleeding if she is pregnant?

It will stop bleeding after a while or it will not bleed at all

How do you stop a bleeding liver?

go to the hospital, you cant just stop a bleeding liver without surgery.

What makes the bleeding stop?

Put a band aid or any medic supply to it so it will stop bleeding

If you take utovlan on the day your period starts will this stop the bleeding until you stop talin the tablets?

The bleeding will not stop immediatley but will after a day or so.