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get some lemon and some honey and mix them together in a drink and then drink it

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

eat a lemon and graggle some saltwater

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Q: How do you stop a cut in your throat hurting?
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What can you do to get your throat to stop hurting?

Go to the doctor

How do you stop hurting throat?

You could try cough medicine or throat spray, which makes your throat kind of numb and is a medicine. But get mucanes it relly helps

What does it mean if your throat doesnt stop hurting?

You may have a sore throat, it will go away with time and cough drops help the pain. If it does not improve in a week, go to the doctor.

How do you stop your throat from hurting?

take 2 tsp of cough medican and drink cold water as well as taking the medication

How can you get your throat to stop hurting?

get a cup about 2 Tbsp of salt and 1 quarter of the cup u have with warm water then gargle it.

I was talking and all of a sudden my throat started hurting and i couldn't talk without it hurting now i cant talk at all i think its laryngitis how do i cure it?

First,you should stop talking for a bit, and if it doesn't cure,see a doctor,you may just have a sore throat.

How can you stop your throat from hurting in one day but not using medicine?

Give honey a try, works very well with sore throats.

Can you stop your throat from hurting by eating ice?

ive tried it but it only stops it for a second i would try honny and lemon, its works just fine

When was Cut-throat Records created?

Cut-throat Records was created in 1978.

What are throat slits?

A throat slit is when you have a cut. Its just another word for it. But a deeper cut thn a cut....

How can you make your butt stop hurting?

dont sit on it all day and do some frickingexcersise

What is meant by the term 'cut throat'?

The term 'cut throat' usually refers to a shave. A 'cut throat' shave is usually carried out with a blade, rather than a built up razor, and as the blade is run along the throat a simple slip could cut the throat.