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To prevent gas burning you must either stop it from mixing with oxygen or avoid it becoming heated (by a spark for example) All fires require fuel, oxgyen and a source of heat.

To put out a burning gas usually the technique is simply to cut off supply of the gas by disconnecting the supply.

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Sigurd Nolan

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2y ago
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12y ago

Not to touch hot items.

Sometimes cold item could give you burns[dry ice]

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15y ago

put some cold water and aloe vera

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Q: How do you prevent burn?
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The best thing to apply to a burn to prevent scarring is Vitamin E oil. This can be bought at the drugstore and comes in capsule form. The capsule can be opened with a pin.

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The computer will prevent "burnouts"

Do rug burns scar?

Not always, but they can. It depends on the severity of the burn. Taking good care of the rug burn while it is still healing can prevent scarring.

How can you prevent muscle burn?

quite simply an active cool down such as a slow jog

Do you wrap a burn in sterile dressings?

It is applied to the burn because it is an open sore. Whatever you put on the burn is going inside your body, therefore it needs to be sterile to prevent infection.

When should you burn in a network server?

Usually when you're on fire, but the pain and quickness of death can prevent you from choosing where you get to burn. It might be in a network server, or the line at Starbucks.

Proper positioning of a burn patient?

proper positioning of a burn patient patient positioning is implemented upon patient at the burn center and is continued along the continuum of care as needed to prevent scar contracture and deformity.