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The First Aid pocket guide should contain aid that needs to be given for fractures, poisoning, cuts and burns, heat and cold wave and other threats that are prevalent in that area. The content shared in the guide should be supported with adequate pictures so as to give a clear and elaborate understanding about the topic. Choose awareness campaign strategy for either senior citizens or illiterate people and prepare a brief writeup

For ready made info, you can look into interactive in English Main Course Book which gives information required in the chapter "health and medicine".

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Q: How do you prepare a pocket guide on first aid during disaster?
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How do I prepare a Pocket guide on first aid for disaster management?

I'd go to the American Red Cross for this sort of thing. They have a variety of first aid guides for the layman. They also have some disaster response and planning information as well. You can also get some great reference material from

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To survive a disaster you first must know what type of disaster you wish to prepare for. And that is the key phase, PREPARE Do your homework on what types of disaster you need or want to prepare for, then PREPARE. Get all the items you may need to survive. You also will need to mentally prepare by going over "what if" or worst case scenarios in you head or on paper. Keep in mind that to survive you NEED to be all about you and you alone. The only way you can help others is if you've helped yourself.

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The first few hours before and after a disaster are critical because they provide an opportunity to prepare and take preventive actions to minimize the impact. In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, quick response and strategic decision-making can help save lives, reduce injuries, and minimize damage to infrastructure. Swift coordination and communication during this time are essential for effective and efficient emergency response efforts.

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The Shuttle Challenger was the first space shuttle to have a major disaster. It disintegrated during the launch process on 28 January 1986, and all hands were lost.

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first of all choose whether u want to right about amateur radios or about the staellite communication. then tell how it is important and what all are its uses... then how can they help during disaster what is the equipment used then qoute a few examples of how they have helped in such situations and finally conclude by saying how necessary they are and that they should be promoted by th govt. you can get help from and you can get the prepared project on ""

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The first natural disaster recorded happened in 1755

How can you get a free disaster kit?

One way to get a free disaster kit is to check with local government agencies or non-profit organizations that may provide them during preparedness events or outreach programs. You can also sometimes find promotions or giveaways online or through community resources.

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There were two space shuttle accidents during NASA's space shuttle program. The first was the Challenger disaster in 1986, and the second was the Columbia disaster in 2003.

How do you prepare a first aid pocket guide for school?

This will depend on the age of your students. Please resubmit with more data, and/or consider talking to the American Red Cross, who are often the sponsors of first aid training curriculum, and in fact offer first aid guidebooks as well.

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How do you prepare for December 2012?

There is no way to prepare when you don't know whats coming. To prepare for an earthquake you know to pack a first aid kit, water, canned and packaged food, flashlight, ect. You have an idea what could happen during this kind of natural disaster. But we don't know what to expect on December 21, 2012. Do we pack food and water, or just pray? You have to have at least some idea what to expect or you can't be ready. My own opinion is 2012 will be somewhat like the Y2K scare. It will probably come and go and nobody will hardly notice.