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Make your victim a vegemite sandwitch. This is a very salty austrailian peanut butter that triggers a gag reflex to most native taste buds. For added results sprinkle on some salt and hide some peppermints in the vegemite.

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12y ago
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14y ago

My puppy swallowed some tablets yesterday and when I phoned the vet he told me to take about a teaspoonful of washing powder wet it and put it down her throat. She vomited almost immediately and is fine. I took her to the vet and there were no side effects. She is a 10kg lab puppy so I assume the dose is size related

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15y ago

yes...VADKA!!!!!!!LOTS OF VADKA!!!!!!!

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Q: How do you make someone vomit?
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If you vomit on someone will they vomit too?

They might if they can get sick easily

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Is there a such thing that is called vomit jellybean?

No but maybe in the future when someone decides the want to make people barf.

Can dog make child vomit?

Yes. In theory, anyone can make themself vomit.

What does nauseate mean?

It can mean two things. When taken literally, it means to make someone feel they need to vomit. It can also mean to cause someone to feel disgust.

What is induce vomiting mean?

To help someone to vomit.

Can you make a sentence with the word vomit?

The smell of the vomit cleared the room. They had to clean it up quickly to avoid vomit stains.

Does nux vomica make you vomit?

If your symptoms calls for this remedy, it will cure you of your condition, but if it does not, and you have this remedy which if uncalled for, it will make you vomit

How do you make your ferret vomit?

You cannot make your ferret vomit. If your ferret is sick, please contact a veterinarian ASAP.

Why would someone eat vomit?

Someone would eat vomit if they suffered from a sexual fetish linked with an eating disorder. The burning and usually nauseating sensations that surround vomit could be seen as masochistic, for it does suggest a dehumanising/self-punishing aspect.

Can chlamydia form from vomit?

Chlamydia can't be made from vomit. It's made from its parent bacteria. Are you asking if vomit can carry chlamydia and infect someone who's cleaning it up? No.