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If you are pregnant and curious what gender the baby will be, here is how to figure that out:

  • Go to your doctor, or make and appointment.
  • You will get a sonogram.
  • Then on the screen, you will see the baby.
  • The doctor will tell you the gender

When you go for a scan at the doctors they will ask you if you want to know the sex of the baby.

An ultrasound can help determine the gender, but it isn't always accurate, so the best way to know is at the time of birth.

Ask the doctor now or later when your older -----

Usually, but not always, girls are carried lower than boys.

You can have an ultrasound to determine your baby's sex. I never had an ultrasound with any of my four children, but with each one, the OBGYN could tell the sex by the heart beat and was right every time!

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8y ago

Sometimes the ultrasound will show the male parts if the fetus is in the right position.

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Q: How do you know if your baby is a boy or girl?
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How do you know whether it's a baby boy or baby girl?

by ultraSonography .

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go to the doctor and get an ultrasound, then the doctor can tell you if its a boy or a girl

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The "two" parts that a boy and a girl have that make a baby are -boy- penis and sperm, and girl- vagina, uterus and eggs. Now that ya careful!!

How do you know if a baby is a boy or girl?

If it's a guy it will have a penis

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umm, i don't know if you being legit about this. but, no the girl would not have a baby.

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Boy and girl but girl carry the baby and the gives the sperm

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I think it maybe a girl but im not sure could be a boy!

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go to the search bar at the right hand side of the screen and then put in baby girl, baby girl with boy, baby boy with girl, or baby boy

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Well, how do you know if a baby human is a boy or girl, the same way a panda. Not too be rude but, may I ask why you want to know?

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She doesn't know yet... but i think it'll be a boy! xx

Does she know what the sex of the baby is going to be?

somethimes women know what the sex of the baby is . if its a boy thats awesome if its girl thats cooler hope you have a girl bye. ps.ANNNABELLE