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Cover it in Vaseline and it will suffocate or buy a tick remover!!

You can grab them by the head and pull. Be gentle, because if you pull to hard, mouth parts can get stuck in you. Another method is to take a match, light it, blow it out, and immediately put the hot head of the match on the body of the tick.

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Q: How do you get a tic off you?
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Do tic heads go to the brain?

No. If the head breaks off, the tic dies. Infection is the main problem.

Why do yellow jackets sting people?

Because we tic them off

How do you remove a cat tic?

Take some tweezers and yank it off.

Why is a tic considreded a paraste?

Anything that has to live off something else in order to survive is considered a parasite. In the case of a tic, it sucks the blood of its victim in order to survive.

Can you live off Tic Tacs and water?

Yes, if you have the ones with sugar. The sugar will keep your energy up. You need to have a LOT of tic tacs, as they have few calories. You could only live so long off of this as you will have malnutrition problems.

What is the literary device for tic tic tic tic?

Onomatopoeia is the name of the literary device in which sounds are written into words.

Company that makes tic-tac?

tic-tac is a company that makes tic-tac

What is a tic?

A tic is an involuntary convulsion of muscles.

Do they make lemonade tic tacs?

No they do not make lemonade tic-tacs but they do make lemon tic-tacs.

When was The Tic Code created?

The Tic Code was created in 1999.

When was Tic Tac created?

Tic Tac was created in 1969.

When was Tic Forrester born?

Tic Forrester was born in 1896.