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Contact the credit reporting agency from where you got the report. They have the contact information and can provide that to you upon request.

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Q: How do you find the collection agency's contact information if the reference on your credit report says only 'medical collection account'?
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Related questions

How do collection agencys find your work number if not on record?

Collection agencies buy defaulted accounts from original creditors. The original creditor supplies all the information to the collectors that was obtained upon the opening of the account. (Name, SSN, place of employment, etc.).

Can collection agencies sell your account to another collection agency?

yes and do all the time and the old agentcy will still show on credit report It can be bought and sold as many times as the agencys want to move it around

Is there some kind of agreement letter with a collector that would allow the removal of a collection if paid?

There is the kind of letter that you write insisting on this condition prior to paying a collection account. There is also the collection agencys' written agreement stating this. There is no standard form letter.

What is a first party Collection agency?

That's the original creditor's "in house" collection department. They are NOT subject to the FDCPA as are 3rd party collection agencys.

Can collection agencys accuse a 14 year old?

depends on what the 14 year-old did ;)

If an account was charged off can you still be hounded to pay by collection agencys?

Yes, Charged off accounts are sold many times for collection .It also depends on many things as to what can be done . One is the statute of limitation for the state its in.There is a wealth of inf. on the PC about debt collections and may laws that apply.

What Federal privacy law governs and limits an agencys collection and sharing of personal data?

The Privacy Act of 1974 protects citizens agains the sharing of personal data.

When a broker assigns commissions payable to an agency can he change the assignment without the agencys permission?

Look at your contract that should have this information in it.

What are collection agencys?

A Collection Agency pursues payments of debts on behalf of their clients. It can be categorized by Collection Agencies for Consumer and Commercial.Consumer is when a Lender provides credit for services or products to a Consumer, and when this accounts fail to pay, then the lender may use to collect the debt through a Collection Agency.Commercial is the same concept but collecting debt from business to another business, this is known as Commercial Collection Agency

What agencys help the homeless?


Where could one find more information about medical negligence?

Information about medical malpractice can be aquired from consumer protection agencys like the avma and others. You can also find information on websites containing doctor reviews and ratings.

What plurals is incorrect agencys factoris labels halves?

Agencys and factoris are both incorrect. The correct plural forms of those words are agencies and factories.