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contact an insurance agency, get the person to agree that it is okay for you to insure them, pay the money and have insurance There is no separate process to buy a life insurance policy for a family member. As long as he or she has granted consent and is willing to undergo the necessary medical exam one has to follow exactly the same steps as buying a policy for oneself i.e. calculate your premium, receive multiple quotes, choose your policy, complete the application form, complete the medical exam and pay the premiums once the medicals have been cleared.

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Q: How can you purchase a life insurance policy for a family member?
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How can an insurance company cancel your insurance due to a family member not on any of your policy's having their license suspended?

The family member needs be excluded to keep your insurance in effect.

Can you take a life insurance policy out for a family member?

Yes, it is possible.

Can anyone be the beneficiary of a life insurance policy?

Yes. Anyone can get a policy on another family member.

Can you purchase life insurance on a family member in prison?

You can certainly apply for an insurance policy; whether the insurance company will choose to accept your application is up to them. A family member in prison is not supporting anyone, so there is no issue of replacing lost income, however, there could still be a legitimate need for an insurance policy to help pay funeral costs. I am not sure how elaborate a funeral you may be planning, but a $5000 funeral policy sounds quite reasonable to me.

How can a self employed person get health insurance?

If someone just retired, they may be able to use their ex-employers insurance plan. They could use a spouse or family member's plan, purchase their own policy, or join an organization which will allow them to purchase health insurance.

Can you be the named driver on a car insurance policy if the car is owned by a non-family member?


Can someone be added to a car insurance policy that is not a family member?

Yes, If someone will be driving the car, it is recommended to add inform your insurance company and have them added to the policy.

Do you have to add licensed non family member living in your home to you auto insurance policy?

No. If they are going to drive the family car you can, if the insurance company allows it, but they should really have their own insurance.

Can you add a step child to your insurance?

Absolutely; a step child is legitimately a member of a family and can be insured, or can be the beneficary of a family insurance policy, just like a biological child.

In the state of Colorado is it against the law to purchase a vehicle for a family member to drive if you carry the insurance and they are named on the policy?

So long as the owner knows his responsibility as the vehicle owner and makes sure all drivers are listed on the policy then there is no problem.

If you give a family member who has their own insurance policy permission to drive your car and they get into an accident which policy covers the accident?

the policy that covers the car that is being driven.

Can a executor be beneficiary of a will and insurance policy of the decedent?

Yes, it is very common that a member of the family be named as executor.