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usually the facial swelling will go away after 2 - 5 days. I've just had my 4 wizdom teeth removed and the swelling went away after 3 days, but its diffrent for other people. As my swelling was goin away i had some pain but nothing to worry about.

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13y ago

When my sister had hers removed she was swelled up for about a week but her first 2 days were the worst.Anyhow you will have pain meds and ibprophen.Put it this way when she came home she looked like a woodchuck!

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The swelling is at its worst on day 2-3 but should subside shortly after.

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Q: Had wisdom teeth how long before swelling will go down?
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Is it normal to have a stitch connected to your cheek after having wisdom teeth extracted?

Answer stitches in cheekI had my wisdom teeth taken out a week ago all my swelling has gone down and i have the same thing there is 1 stitch in my cheek so yes im pretty sure it is normal.

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No That's impossible youll just have missing teeth regaurdless But you don't need your wisdom teeth

How do you take down swelling in the face?

It depends on where the swelling is. If it's on the skin put ice on it for like 30 minutes. If swelling has not gone down in 2 days go to the doctor.

Is swelling a normal reaction to wisdom tooth extraction?

It's pretty individual depending on how many are removed, how impacted they might have been and what how much stess was put on the jaw when they were removed. I had all four taken out when I was 17 and I looked like a chipmunk for about three days. The pain was pretty minimal after a day or two and the swelling was completely down by the fourth day.

Is it normal to not to be able to smile properly after you get your wisdom teeth pulled?

Due to local anesthetic, it can be difficult to smile, talk, or even open and close one's mouth following wisdom tooth extraction. This usually resolves itself as soon as the anesthetic wears off and the swelling goes down. This can take up to a week or more, depending on how difficult the extractions were.

I just had my wisdom teeth removed and there's a flap of skin where one tooth used to be is that normal?

Yes that is normal, that happened with me when my wisdom teeth were removed and it healed up on its own. If you don't play with it, it will settle down in a week or so.

Why do people get their wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth get pulled out to prevent pain and discomfort. If the wisdom teeth don't have enough room in the back of your mouth and they grow in they will push your existing teeth out of the way and cause them to be mashed together. They can also grow in sideways, this is known as being 'impacted'. Sores can grow on your gums and become infected, leading to major problems down the road.

What are the teeth?

Molar teeth are the big teeth placed in the back of the mouth. In decidious teeth (baby teeth), kids have two molar teeth on each side, up and down, right and left, for a total of 8 molar teeth. In adult teeth, people have three molars on each side, up and down, right and left, for a total of 12 molar teeth, which includes 4 wisdom teeth.

How do you stop the swellng after extraction of my wisdom teeth?

Getting your wisdom teeth taken out can result in a few weeks of sore gums and chipmunk cheeks. To reduce minor swelling after wisdom teeth removal, a simple icing method does the trick. If swelling is severe, ask your dentist for other treatments and advice.Step 1 Get a large sock made of a soft material like cotton. Make sure it is clean.Step 2 Fill a plastic sandwich bag with ice cubes. If it does not zip closed, twist the bag and use an elastic to keep it closed.Step 3 Put the sandwich bag filled with ice inside the sock. Push the ice all the way down into the toe of the sock.Step 4 Tie a knot at the open top of the sock to hold the bag of ice inside.Step 5 Hold the sock against your cheek for 20 minutes each hour. The swelling should go down in 24 hours. If your cheek is still swollen, consult your dentist for advice and other treatments.

What can you do if the braces hurt?

Not much. Braces will hurt because of the shifting of teeth. Your orthodontist may recommend bonjella to bring down the swelling.

Where do you get your wisdom teeth?

Two is on top far back and one is down far back. They have to be romoval for Heath :) to maintian a good high gene and teeth ^^^ not really sure. The wisdom teeth are your third set of molars, so they are located in the back of your mouth. You do not have to get them removed if they are alligned well and healthy. Most people do get them removed because they are usually alligned wrong and painful.