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what is formal and informal communication

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Q: Formal and informal communication in health care setting?
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Formal health education is structured, planned, and delivered through institutions like schools or workplaces, usually following a specific curriculum. Informal health education is more spontaneous and occurs through everyday interactions, media, or community discussions, without a structured curriculum. Formal education often leads to certifications or degrees, while informal education is more about raising general awareness and promoting healthy behaviors.

What is a informal communication in health and social care?

The conversations between care givers that isn't recorded or written down.

When to use formal communication in health and care?

An example of using formal communication is if a service user had been to the doctors to ask for a referral for physiotherapy on their back. Then the doctor would assess her. If it needs physiotherapy then the GP will send a formal letter to the hospital telling why she has asked to go to hospital.

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Natural disasters and health epidemics can disrupt supply chains, leading to shortages of goods and services, and affect consumer demand. This can lead to decreased revenue for both formal and informal businesses. Additionally, businesses may face increased operating costs due to damages or the need to implement safety measures, further impacting their profitability.

Explain multicultural communication and its origins?

Multicultural communication in health care refers to translating patient education in the health care setting. it originated when civilization was created and when mingling of other cultures and in a time before now it was less acceptable.

Why is it important to have good communication skills in a health and social care setting?

Group communication is relevant in health and social care because it can help with group therapy sessions if for example you are a social worker, your service users are more likely to open up to issues if they are around people of similar situations, even if the communication isn't verbal, it can be sign language, brail, body language or even eye contact as in health and social care not every swervice user can understand verbal communication due to either different origin of ethnicity, physical or mental restriction to understand

What is a shadow welfare state?

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